Day 8: Do You Try To Make Bargains With Yourself?

You know, I had to think about it. Is today Day 8 or Day 9? Or was it really day 7? I’m starting to lose track. I wrote about slipping yesterday and how it made me feel. I was surprised by how much the cigarette did not fill that need. It’s amazing to be so dependent on something for so long – to crave it and to feel irritable and grouchy about it and to finally cave and give into it only to discover, hey – that’s not really what I wanted after all. Makes you wonder what the heck … Continue reading

Friday Fitness Funnies: Stopping Smoking

You had to know this is where my focus would be this week and for me, writing about these things, poking fun at them, sharing the torment and the pride and the success – they are all positive ways for me to channel trying to defeat this addiction. I’ve been winning the battles, but I’m not ready to declare the war won yet. So for now, here are some Friday Fitness Funnies that focus on smoking and stopping smoking. Quotes on Smoking For thy sake, Tobacco, I would do anything but die. — Charles Lamb, 1775-1834 I have every sympathy … Continue reading