Stranger Awareness: Is It Time for a Refresher Course?

One of the biggest fears many parents have is that their child will fall victim to child abduction. That’s why we teach stranger awareness. We’ve all seen programs where parents are asked if their kids would go with a stranger where most answer with a loud and vehement “no”. Then we watch parents sit back and view a video of their child helping a “stranger” locate a puppy. We all think that our kids won’t go with strangers but the truth is many would. Especially since most strangers aren’t scary looking monsters, but your every day run of the mill … Continue reading

Summer Safety Begins at Home

My neighbor and her husband both return home from their jobs at about 5:30 p.m. That means their 12-year-old son Ryan (who is currently enrolled in summer school) is home alone for about two hours each day. I often see him riding his bike up and down the street or shooting hoops to pass the time until his parents return home. And he’s not alone; hundreds of thousands of children across the country whose parents’ work outside the home are left unattended—especially during the summer months when school is not in session. Ryan is a great kid and I know … Continue reading