Diary of a Cat Care B&B: Two Happy Endings for the Price of One

At the beginning of the summer, someone called the cats-only boarding facility hoping to find her lost cat. She was staying at a nearby hotel and the cat had slipped out when someone had come to the door. (It’s all too easy for this to happen, as I learned when I was on my cross-country trip with Moose and Lally!) We promised to keep an eye out for her cat — a grey kitty with big blue eyes. Since we leave food out for the local feral cats, we often get other wanderers stopping by for a nibble. But months … Continue reading

Diary of a Cat Care B&B: Hi-Ho Silver!

We have a very special guest right now at the cats-only boarding facility: a friendly little cat we call Silver. I’ve mentioned our feral cat efforts before — we leave leftover food out for strays and feral cats. When a new stray comes by to nibble, we try to catch him or her for a check-up. The folks on the vet side will do a full exam, give the cat a round of vaccinations, and spay/neuter as needed. Last weekend, I met Silver. He was out by the food dish as I pulled into the parking lot. I crouched at … Continue reading

Finding a Stray Pet

What do you do when you find a stray dog or cat running through your neighborhood or along the highway? Are you prepared to assist a stray pet safely and effectively? If you are planning to rescue, plan ahead. Keep the numbers of your local animal control, animal shelter, regular veterinarian, and 24-hour emergency veterinary clinic. You’ll also want to keep extra collars and leashes, water and bowls, a cat carrier or cardboard box, and a pet first aid kit on hand. Think about your own safety first. Don’t dart out into the street or stop short in heavy traffic. … Continue reading