Cell Phone Tours

If you are planning a trip to New York, Boston, Denver, San Antonio or Hong Kong, don’t forget your cell phone. You’ll need it if you want to take a “Talking Street” tour. Basically, a walking tour of a given city where the guide is a recording accessed by phone. For example, if you are planning a trip to New York City you simply dial a toll free number and select the spot where you are standing. “The Lower East Side: Birthplace of Dreams” is narrated by actor Jerry Stiller and is as easy to use as a pre-recorded audio … Continue reading

Street Smarts Safety

Going for walks with your baby or child can be fun. Not only is it great exercise for both of you, but your child will also love the scenery while discovering new things. Something as simple as a flower, insect, or street sign can be incredibly interesting for your child! Use this time not just to relax, but also to educate your child. This is a wonderful opportunity to teach them about staying safe on the street. They might be having so much fun, they won’t even realize all of the great safety tips you are teaching them! Here are … Continue reading