Men’s Fitness: Why You Have to Lift Weights

Are you the weight lifting type? Do you look in the mirror and see Atlas? You know the old advertisement that used to be in the back of magazines and comic books of the well-defined musculature on the tall figure and more. We see the weight lifting type when we look Arnold Schwarzenegger and at professional wrestlers like Hulk Hogan and more. It’s important to understand that weight lifting, weight training, resistance training and strength training are interchangeable because they all involve stressing your muscles, tearing your muscle fibers in order to have them repair and become stronger. So let’s … Continue reading

Measuring Your Own Intensity

One question a lot of people ask as they are going through their workout program is how do you measure how intense it is? A personal trainer may want to increase the intensity and you may feel like the intensity is already too high? How do you know if the intensity is not high enough? What the heck is intensity? The intensity of the workout is how hard it makes you work. The intensity is too high if you are barely able to perform more than one or two repetitions of the same exercise. For example, let’s say you were … Continue reading