The Abs Diet Workout

For those of you have been following our Sizzling Summer Slim Down, we’ve been discussing the abs diet here in the Fitness and Weight Loss blogs for the last couple of weeks. I’ve recounted some of my experiences through my blogs and today I want to discuss the Abs Diet Workout plan that I started last week. For those of you just joining us, the Abs Diet is a six-week plan to flatten your stomach and stay lean for life. It features a diet that does deprive you of food so much as reeducate your diet and lifestyle. The food … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge – Day 27: Circuit Training

Good morning! Happy Friday! As we have done all week, feel free to you’re your own choices today. We’ve only got 3 days let and one of those days is our Crash and Burn day tomorrow. The workout below combines strength training and cardio in a circuit-training workout. As always, be sure to hydrate throughout your workout. Take a deep breath, enjoy yourself and keep counting down the days. Begin your workout by marching in place. Put on some music with a good beat. This can help you march. As you march, swing your arms forwards and back lightly. You … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge – Day 24: Your Choice

Welcome to Day 24 of the Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge. You have just 6 days left to go. How are you feeling? Doesn’t it feel good to see the light at the end of the tunnel? I know I feel that way about every goal, no matter how far away they may seem when you begin – once they are in reach, there is a thread of excitement that fills me. As with yesterday, today is a day for free choice. We usually focus on cardio and flexibility. You can do the following workout or choose your own. … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge – Day 18: Circuit Training

Remember, you need to be sure to hydrate before, during and after your workout. Set aside about 30 to 35 minutes. You will be performing circuit training today and there will be no more than 30 second breaks between your different exercises. Take a deep breath and have a drink of water! Let’s get started! Begin your workout by marching in place. Put on some music with a good beat. This can help you march. As you march, swing your arms forwards and back lightly. You are trying to get your heart rate up and warm up your body. Perform … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge – Day 13: Cardio & Strength Training

Good morning! Happy Friday! A Bright and Blessed Good Friday to those of you who observe it! I for one am personally glad that it’s Friday! It’s been a packed week here at home and it’s just going to get busier over the next few weeks as we get ready for our daughter’s dance recital, spring revue show and getting her pre-registered for Kindergarten. There’s also Easter, Scarborough Faire and spring planting! Busy, busy, busy! Today’s workout is going to reflect how busy we all are and how we can combine our cardiovascular workout with our strength training to not … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge – Day 11: Cardio & Strength Training

Welcome to Day 11 of your Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge! How are you feeling today? For those of you who’ve been following the program, you may have noticed changes in your energy levels. Primarily, you should be experiencing a distinct energy boost along with the sense of accomplishment that comes with daily exercise. Today, we’re combining our cardiovascular exercise with strength training. You can refer back to previous entries for various different methods of building your cardiovascular strength and endurance. For those of you who may be a little tired of treadmills, stationary bicycles or other suggestions. Here’s … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge – Day 9: Strength Training

As always, today we’re going to focus on strength training. Our last session of strength training on April 7 focused on core strength. Today we’re going back to working on the upper body. Begin with some warm-up and limbering stretches. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and stretch your hands up to the ceiling palms facing upwards. Focus on loosening the tension in your back. Drop your hands down slowly. Focus your breathing so that with the inhale you lower your hands and with the exhale you push them up towards the ceiling again. Avoid tilting your back, you … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge – Day 4: Strength Training

Good morning again! If you performed your cardio earlier today, I hope you are feeling warmed up and ready to go. If you are just joining us for strength training, take a few minutes to stretch yourself out thoroughly and march in place for about two minutes before we get started with Day 4 of the Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge – Strength Training. Strength training is great for people looking to improve their overall fitness as well as reduce weight. Muscles burn more calories than fat. Toning and strengthening muscles will also improve your overall appearance and give … Continue reading

Day 2: Spring Forward to Action 30 Day Challenge – Strength Training

Your strength training today will focus on the upper body. Strength Training You will need free weights and a balance ball for this workout. In the event that you do not have weights, choose two heavy cans from your pantry. Make sure the cans are balanced in weight and easy for you to grip. Shoulder Raises Using 10 lb weights (or cans), stand with your feet shoulder width apart, knees not locked. Hold the weights at your side, arms loose but straight. You will be performing front and side raises. Lift your right arm and hand straight up in front, … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action – The Dates

This is the last component you’ll develop and then you’ll have your Action Plan. Dates are part of your workout schedule and meeting your goal planning. If you are someone who needs to have specific dates for your workout, this is when you’re going to schedule them. You may want to workout on alternating days (this is a good method) so you’ll select odd or even dates for your workouts. Perhaps you want to workout three days a week – so your dates will be set by Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Perhaps you want to work … Continue reading