Identify Strengths

I think that it is human nature–or at least it seems so in this age and society–to identify our weaknesses and try to work on those. As single parents, we are often quite aware of our weaknesses–those places where we struggle or think we need to make improvements. Instead of focusing in on our weak points, however, we might be much better off if we identify our strengths as a person and as a parent, and focus on those! I could probably sit here and list my faults and flaws all day–or at least for half a day. What is … Continue reading

Our Differences Help Us Grow

When it comes to being married, I’ve enjoyed conversations with other wives and husbands and I hear many of the same things all the time. What makes one partner in a couple happy may not make the other partner. Each partner makes sacrifices so that as a whole they will be happier. Yet, when you ask someone, directly – what do they value in their happiness? You may be surprised to find out that many people share the same things. For example, husbands and wives both: Do not like being taken for granted Like companionship Enjoy affection Value financial security … Continue reading