Setting Limits for Infertility Treatments

When you enter into treatment for infertility, you have high hopes. You may expect to get pregnant within a few months of your first visit to the clinic. This is often not the case. It can take many months, or even years, to finally get pregnant. The initial high you feel can quickly fade and you may feel very low. This is why trying to conceive is often compared to a ride on a roller coaster. The stress of infertility can make you want to give up. This is very normal. Trying to have a baby is not fun, despite … Continue reading

Maintaining Your Marriage

Infertility is devastating to most couples. The diagnosis and treatment process can take a toll on even the strongest marriages. Nothing sucks the romance out of intimacy more than trying to have a baby. Spontaneity goes out the window as intercourse becomes planned and scheduled around the best time of the month for conception. Couples need to make a real effort to keep the romance alive during the time they are trying to conceive a baby. If you get your baby, but destroy your marriage, you will have many regrets later. Although it can be hard to be spontaneous, it’s … Continue reading