Oh Ham!

Ham. Erase the “h,” put a “d” in its place, and add an “n” after the “m” and you get the word that truly describes what I’m feeling after reading a new report about the dangers of eating ham. My preschooler adores ham. So much in fact that I typically purchase a 7-pound ham every other week. It feeds our family for about three days (that includes leftovers for breakfast and lunch). I could purchase a smaller ham, but the larger ones are more economical. Plus, it doesn’t pay to bake a small ham twice a week when I can … Continue reading

Is Your Toddler Nutritionally Deficient?

Trying to get a toddler to eat is sometimes like…well, I can’t even compare it. There are no words. As a result, we parents seem to always worry about our little ones getting enough to eat. Conventional wisdom tells us to just relax, continue to offer new foods and allow our toddlers to eat when they are hungry. But is there ever a danger of our toddlers becoming nutritionally deficient? While it isn’t likely that your toddler is nutritionally deficient, it is a good idea to know the signs, just to be safe. First of all, if you are all … Continue reading

More Ways to Eat Out and Still Stay Fit

In my previous blog I revealed some of the nation’s top-rated healthy eateries. These popular restaurants claim that you can dine at their establishments and still lose weight provided you stick with their portion sizes and get in about 30 minutes of cardio exercise per day. I was happy to see that a few of the places featured in my last blog are ones I frequent on a regular basis. Here now are the rest of Health Magazine’s picks for “Fittest Chain Restaurants in America”: Corner Bakery. This popular eatery scored exceptionally well for offering a delicious and healthy breakfast … Continue reading

How to Eat Out and Stay Fit

It’s not rocket science. As long as you stay away from super fatty foods, avoid gorging on high-calorie selections, and stick to your daily exercise routine, you should be able to treat yourself to a night out every once in a while. To make it even easier to stay fit while dining out Health Magazine recently put some popular chain restaurants to the test. The eateries were scored on the use of healthy fats and preparations, availability of nutrition information, and the use of organic produce. Here are the results: Panera Bread. The bakery/cafe has an impressive menu of healthy … Continue reading

How to Eat Chinese Food and Still Stay Fit

I’ve written about my weakness for Chinese food in previous blogs. Given that I am addicted to tasty ab-killing Chinese dishes, I often find myself doing double time in the gym following a take-out meal. If you too enjoy indulging in Chinese food, but you don’t have the time to spend two hours working off that extra helping of Mu Shu, then consider these tips that will help you eat smarter: Chinese 101—-You don’t have to enroll in a college language course, but it does pay to know some of the lingo. Look for the words “steamed” as well as … Continue reading

Foods to Build Your Child’s Immunity

Starting early with good food can do more than just fight obesity. It can also help your child develop better, grow stronger and live longer as an adult. One thing that science is telling us more and more is that there are certain foods that are essential for building immunity. This means that feed your child well and she just may avoid all of the stomach viruses, respiratory infections and other illnesses that are rampant among play dates, preschool and day care this winter. Phytonutrients Phytonutrients are plant nutrients that have been shown to have the ability to stimulate the … Continue reading

Getting Fit: Anyone Can Do It!

It is Never Impossible Does getting physically fit seem like an insurmountable task to you? Never say never. It can be done no matter how out of shape you are or how old you are. It takes hard work and a strong will to accomplish, but you have that don’t you? Of course, the more out of shape you are the harder and longer you will have to work on it, but it is possible at any age. Meet Morjorie Newlin (1920-2008) Amazing, absolutely amazing! That was my first reaction when I came across the story of this strong-willed great-grandmother … Continue reading

Acai Berry – a New Tool in Weight Loss

A few years ago, none of us even knew what an Acai berry was. Today, they’re everywhere. Let’s take a closer look into this little fruit and see if it’s everything it’s cracked up to be. The Acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) is found in the Amazon Rainforest. It’s about the size of a marble, but is purple in color. About 90% of the fruit is actually a pit and only 10% is the edible fruit. It can’t be eaten until the pit and the pulp are separated from each other. What makes the Acai berry so unusual is the high … Continue reading

Do You Really Want to be the Food Cop?

I wrote the other day about how I believe that children should start feeding themselves as soon as they are developmentally able. Since “food issues” continue to be such big things for many families, I thought that talking about policing and issuing ultimatums around what food our children eat and how they eat at the table might also be a good topic for conversation. I think that parents mean well–from the very first moment we worry about whether we are feeding our children enough and whether they are getting enough of the right nutrients and antibodies–parents debate whether to breast … Continue reading

Lose 20 Pounds of Fat in 30 Days

Timothy Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Work Week, makes everything look possible. In fact, if you visit his website, you’ll see that he breaks it down and darned near anything is possible if you follow his example! I haven’t yet tried his method of losing 20 pounds of fat in 30 days, although I should. (Pesky pregnancy fat plagues me.) Given his other ideas, I am inclined to think he may have some good ideas about how to do this so let’s take a look at his proposal, shall we? He claims that, in the last six weeks, he has … Continue reading