Open Those Windows!

Today in New Jersey it is sunny and mild. A light breeze is blowing, and you can really feel the warmth of spring and the coming of summer. This is the sort of day that makes me throw the windows open and bask in the flow of fresh air! Think about how you feel when you’re cooped up on an airplane, or in a stuffy office. The air doesn’t feel, smell, or taste fresh, does it? Impurities are being breathed in and out and you end up feeling sleepy, cranky, and all around icky. (Yes, that is a technical term!) … Continue reading

Relaxing Recipes Using Your Aromatherapy Starter Kit

Your aromatherapy starter kit is full of beneficial and inexpensive essential oils! Here are some recipes that will help you feel more relaxed! And if I’ve suggested a scent you’re not particularly fond of — or don’t have in your collection — you can always substitute a scent from the same family. Keep in mind that essential oils are not meant to be used undiluted. You must mix them into a carrier oil, cream, or lotion for safe use. Stress Reducer Blend #1 Mix equal amounts of a citrus scent with a floral scent. For example, lemon and lavender, or … Continue reading

The Big Deal About Walking

Studies show that walking is GREAT for your health! If you’re not in the best shape (not many of us are!), walking is a great way to improve your overall health and start to get back into shape. Benefits of walking: Walking lowers your blood pressure! Walking improves your mental well-being! Walking helps increase bone density! Walking helps control your weight! Walking improves flexibility and muscle tone! Walking can help reduce cholesterol! Walking can help lower your blood sugar! Walking can fit into any lifestyle! Walking is good for the whole family! Believe it or not, a 1996 study by … Continue reading

Adding a Walk to Your Day

You don’t have to change your schedule drastically to add a little bit of walking. Here are some tips to help you find the time to get moving! Set your alarm fifteen or twenty minutes early. Before anyone else is up, you can throw on your sweats and sneak out for a quick walk. Take twenty minutes out of your lunch hour at the office for a walk. You’ve still got forty minutes to eat, and you’ve added a walk to your day. Even a few laps around the parking lot give you a chance to get out into the … Continue reading

Laughter Really Is The Best Medicine!

A good laugh is a GREAT way to release some tension. Case in point: I was all sorts of mopey last night. I’ve got a pretty important thing coming up on Saturday, but nobody in my family is planning to attend. My parents have other plans, my brother is out of town… So there I was, chock full of self-pity and about thirty seconds away from bursting into tears. And the phone rings… my friend Gwen, who seems to magically know when I’ve been thinking of her. So we get to talking… and some how end up reading bad high … Continue reading