Stretch Routines – Simple Tips to Follow

Okay, so we’ve talked about why you need to stretch. Let’s talk about some simple rules to follow while you are stretching in order to get the most benefits from your workout. It’s also important to note here that you can stretch daily whether it’s a part of your actual workout or not. For example, I try to stretch every morning when I get up – I spend ten to fifteen minutes getting everything limber and shaking off the stiffness and while I do some mild stretching when I actually get to my workout So with that in mind, let’s … Continue reading

Some Tips to Get Fit

Welcome to January! As stated in earlier blogs, this is the month when fitness sales and memberships skyrocket as everyone starts to make good on their New Year’s resolutions. So here are a few tips to help you get started if you’ve made a resolution to improve your fitness this year. · Get a physical before you decide to hit the gym and get physical. This is important because if there are some physical exercises you should avoid due to any current health conditions, you need to know this. · Do it right, learn the right techniques – A lot … Continue reading