What’s the Right Question?

You know, as I write my fitness blogs I often wonder what’s the right question to ask? What’s the question that will engage –you- the reader and get you to respond to me? What do you want to know? How do you want to know it? The art of blogging is all about the chunks of information that are distributed. Some blogs do it in 100 words or less (I don’t know if I could answer anything in just a 100 words, but I could try) and some are huge novels. I don’t know that I could write a novel … Continue reading

Stroller Skating – Do you Stroller Skate?

This is actually pretty neat – and I was debating putting this in the baby blog, but it actually fits really well here in the fitness blog. Do you remember a few months ago that I talked about Stroller Moms? When my daughter and I went to the skating birthday party yesterday, it was the first time that I’d been in a skating rink in more than 20 years (and now don’t I feel exceptionally old?) Anyway, when we were at the skating rink, I saw a sign for stroller skating hours and I headed over to talk to the … Continue reading