Stubborn or Strong-Willed?

I have written before about how all three of my children are pretty strong-willed and opinionated. Recently, while talking with another parent, he kept referring to his child as willfully stubborn; I realized that depending on how you view it, that tenacity can either be spun in a positive or a negative way… I think it helps to consider a child’s motivation and try to keep an eye on the big picture. A child who is strong-willed and able to stick up for himself, may have a leg-up in life as he gets older. It might be challenging for a … Continue reading

Stubbornness Can Be Both Good and Bad

Blessed is the parent of a stubborn child! And, in all fairness, I suppose we should light a candle or two for stubborn parents too. While I can be pretty stable, I am not particularly stubborn. I do have two children, however, for whom stubbornness is both a gift and a curse! I think we often see only the downside of a stubborn temperament, but there are some “good” things that can come from stubbornness too. My two stubborn children are both able to be quite committed to things that matter to them. Whether it is a good friend, or … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Because of the Simpleness of the Way

One of the most puzzling stories I ever read in the Old Testament was the story of the fiery serpents sent among the Israelites. To be bitten by one of these snakes was certain death. Through the prophet Moses, God sent a way for His followers to be healed. Moses erected a bronze serpent and hung it high, where all the people could see it throughout the camp. Those who would turn their eyes to the serpent would be healed. To my disbelief, there were many who refused to look, because the way was too simple. (1 Nephi 17:41) Instead, … Continue reading

Nurturing Temperamental Traits – Persistence

How persistent is your child? Is she willing to wait to have her needs met? Does he insist on getting things now? Does your child quickly give up and move on when a task is difficult? Does she react strongly when interrupted? Persistent Persistence can be both a positive and a negative trait. The child who works on a difficult puzzle is labeled patient, yet if they refuse tostop working when asked they are labeled as stubborn. Recognizing this trait will save you, as a parent, a lot of grief. When your child starts a task they will want to … Continue reading