Tons of Coupon Codes for Philips and Norelco

Before I shop at Target, I take the time to check out their weekly ad. In many ways, it’s better to check out the online ad instead of the paper one. You get access to coupon codes that can be used to their website. The coupons you can get through their online weekly ad sometimes come with recipes or special offers. Philips Norelco has a ton of special codes that will save you money when you use the codes at They are: Save $50.00 when you buy 1 Philips Norelco SensoTouch 3D when you use the code 14417. This … Continue reading

Target Coupons for M&M’s, GE, Ziploc, and More!

You should definitely check out the online weekly ad from Target. It features several coupons that you might not have noticed when you browsed through their selection. I suspect that the paper version of the ad may included the same coupons, but I can’t confirm that. To be honest, I rarely look through newspapers and ad papers for coupons. Now that many stores are making their weekly ad available online, I see little need to hunt down the paper version of it. Target has started adding coupons into the online weekly ad. Here’s what they put in this week: Orville … Continue reading