Warnings from Isaiah

How much notice do you take of warnings? Every day we see warning signs telling us to slow down on the road, to take corners at a safe speed or warnings about the dangers of smoking or alcohol or overuse of painkillers. Too often people ignore the warnings and trouble results. Isaiah contains a number of warnings for God’s people. In verse 14, God through Isaiah, warns of the dangers of scoffing and treating God’s Words lightly. Jerusalem thought they were okay because they were God’s people. But that does not mean a license for them to do as they … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: What Christ’s Resurrection Means to Each of Us

This week’s Gospel Doctrine lesson discusses the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As we ponder this topic, I would first like to address what this significant event means to each and every one of us. Like the Atonement, the events that occurred on the first day of the week many years ago did not affect only the Savior. When He reunited His body and His spirit, He made it possible for each and every one of us to do so likewise. In 1 Corinthians 15:20-22, Jesus is called “the firstfruits” of those risen from the dead. Similarly, … Continue reading

Diagnostic Criteria for Substance Dependence

When we last visited the topic of Substance Abuse we looked at the diagnostic criteria for substance abuse. Today we look at substance dependence, which differs from abuse in that the component of addiction and addictive behavior is also present. So how do we know if a person has moved from substance abuse to substance dependence? The DSM-IV-TR lists the following guidelines for a diagnosis of substance dependence: A maladaptive pattern of substance abuse leading to significant impairment or distress as manifested by at least three of the following within a 12-month period: 1. Tolerance to the substance as defined … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Do As I Have Done To You

In John 13:1-17, the Savior shows His love for His disciples by washing their feet, an act of service. He then teaches them, “For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.” The Lord is teaching His disciples service, yet again. Reading this, it occurred to me that the Savior washed the feet of the disciples just before He left their presence. Logic dictates that He would spend those last few hours reminding them of what was most important – and He taught them again of love and service. He showed them … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: The Mount of Olives

In all honesty, I very rarely look at the setting as we study the New Testament (this despite all of my English major training to always keep it in mind!). However, as I reviewed some of my outside resources while studying the scriptures, the question was posed – What was the significance of the Mount of Olives? You mean there was a reason Christ spoke there? According to the Bible Dictionary, the Mount of Olives was a hill to the east of Jerusalem. The Savior visited here several times. When He entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, He stopped at the … Continue reading

Is It Really Substance Abuse?

In When Usage becomes Abusage (see below) we looked at the enormous emotional and financial cost of substance abuse. But how do you know when someone is really abusing rather than using a substance such as tobacco, alcohol or other recreational drugs? How do you know when the person you love is in trouble? Fortunately the American Psychiatric Association lists the criteria for substance abuse in an attempt to better distinguish those who are in control of the drugs in their life and those who have crossed the line. The guidelines are as follows: A. A maladaptive pattern of substance … Continue reading

When Substance Abuse becomes Substance Dependence

Substance dependence is usually called addiction, and we customarily use the term to describe people who seem enslaved to the substance concerned. Yet there is much disagreement among experts as to just what constituents substance dependence. A person may be physiologically dependent when great and greater amounts of the drug are required to experience the same effect. This is referred to as tolerance. A person is addicted to a drug when the removal of the drug from the system results in physical symptoms (withdrawal). A common example of this occurs when you get to work and can’t function without your … Continue reading

Smoking and Other Addictions Exposed

Most of us have met someone who smokes and despite considerable effort, just cannot manage to shake the habit. Perhaps you are one of them. Scientists have known for many years that some people are able to give up nicotine and other potentially addictive substances with relative ease. Others struggle, often giving up for a significant period of time, only to succumb to the call of their favorite poison. Others simply can’t give up at all. Recent research has come up with further interesting evidence about individual differences in brain structure which influence the likelihood of addiction occurring. Scientists have … Continue reading

Retail Therapy: Good or Bad?

Well, neither. Or both! Like any activity, a little can be uplifting for the spirits, like a good wine after a wonderful meal with friends. But we all know where too much alcohol can lead us. But shopping? Can that be bad for us? Read on! I know a few women who do not indulge in retail therapy, but it is definitely a major pastime of many women. But we’re not just talking shopping here, we are talking about using money to buy items to improve one’s mood. Retail therapy. How useful is it? Let’s look at two cases of … Continue reading

Why Should You Pray?

Many blessings come from being a Christian. One of the richest and most rewarding blessings is being able to approach our God at any time of day or night in prayer. Not only can we come to God and lay our burdens before Him, but the Bible says that He wants us to pray to Him. I Peter 5:7 states that we are supposed to “cast” all of our cares on Him because He cares for us. If we have the weight of a difficult child, a turbulent friendship or even a disagreement with our spouse, God wants us to … Continue reading