Gospel Doctrine: An Overview of the Sermon on the Mount

This week, we’re reviewing the first part of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5. I’m actually going to do an overview of the lesson today, as I have been asked to substitute teach for the class on Sunday. So for today, you get a generalized summary, which we’ll flesh out as the week progresses. First, I would like to take a look at the importance of the Sermon. It is repeated in part in Luke, although not identical. However, the importance is illustrated by the fact that the Savior repeated almost an identical sermon to the Nephites after He … Continue reading

The Fight for Isaiah, Round Five

There were a lot of people in attendance at the mediation meeting. Our state social worker was there, with her boss, who brought her boss. The volunteer from Child Advocates was there, with her boss. The remaining participants were the mediator, Lola and her lawyer, the state’s lawyer, Nancy, and me. Apparently, a lot of people thought that there was a lot at stake. I certainly did. The mediator was doing all of the things that he could do to calm everyone and facilitate a free discussion. Lola was clearly uptight. The fact that it was Lola and her attorney … Continue reading

Jesus, Our Promised Messiah

There are many people and religions out there that recognize Jesus as a good man but don’t believe Him to be the promised Messiah (anointed one). But, either Jesus is who He claimed, or He’s a liar. What honor, if any, does a liar deserve, whether they are good or not? When looking at the Old Testament prophesies of Jesus you can see there are some pretty specific events that had to take place in order for us to know He is the Messiah. In fact, there are over 360 prophesies that Jesus fulfilled! He was born where scripture said … Continue reading

Looking at Mary

What did God see in such a young lady that she of all women would be chosen to carry the Christ child? I’ve wondered this question for so long. Now with Christmas approaching, I thought this would be a good time to look to the Bible and read what it has to say about Mary. Through study, I’ve learned that Mary was believed to be a young teen when she conceived by way of the Holy Spirit. She was betrothed (engaged to be married) to Joseph, her first cousin (not uncommon for the time for first cousins to marry). The … Continue reading

What Made the Wise Men Wise?

Who were these Magi, also known as “wise men” who came to Christ? These men were believed to be Zervanism, a religious branch of Zoroastrianism which was pagan in essence worshiping the god Ahura Mazda, whose name in part means intelligent or wise. The men were astrologers as well, likely studying the heavens as part of their religion. Though traditionally we see three wise men pictured in the nativity scene, the Bible gives no exact reference to how many actually came to see Jesus. We know there were three types of gifts that were brought for Christ: gold, frankincense and … Continue reading

Bible Stories: The Wise and Foolish Builders

If you read very many of my blogs you probably know that I teach a children’s Bible class on Sunday mornings. This lesson was one of their absolute favorites! In Matthew 7:24-27 Jesus says the following: “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does … Continue reading

Putting “Christ” Back in Christmas

As the holiday season is approaching you may find yourself getting bombarded with Christmas preparations. Thankfully, when time is of the essence, there is a McDonalds every other block and the malls are opened late. The hustle and bustle of the weeks prior to Christmas have so many drained, cranky, and yet fueled for the approaching holiday. Between the lights, finding the Christmas tree, buying the gifts, planning the meals or vacation, how about taking a minute to put everything back into perspective? Have you gotten so wrapped up in the commercialism of the season that you’ve lost sight of … Continue reading

Using Secular Tradition to Glorify God: Christmas

The Christmas holiday is a favorite for so many. I love visiting the mall and smelling the cinnamon potpourri and seeing the beautifully lit wreaths. I enjoy hearing the instrumental melodies declaring the birth of our Savior, but sadly no words are sung out of concern for “offending” others. I love the tastes of the season; pumpkin pie, gingerbread lattes, eggnog… While there are so many things that make this time of year special, we ought not to forget what Christmas should really be about for a Christian. If you’ve read some of my other blogs (please visit the links … Continue reading

Borderline Personality Disorder: Causes and Treatment

Borderline Personality Disorder is one of the most common of the personality disorders, affecting approximately 15% of the population. Sufferers typically indulge in intense but stormy relationships, have difficulty exerting control over their emotions, display marked impulsivity in their behaviors, fear abandonment and may indulge in self-harming behaviors and suicidal thoughts. Sufferers of borderline personality disorder often have associated mood disturbances with up to 70% also experiencing major depression. Eating disorders are also common: up to 25% of bulimics have a co-diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Well over 50% of substance abuse sufferers also show signs of borderline personality disorder. … Continue reading

Being “Jesus” to Someone

As you go about your day, please don’t forget to bring Christ with you. It’s too easy sometimes for us to get caught up in our rituals and lose sight of what is really important; so often forgetting to take Jesus with us as we head out the door to go about our day. As you get up in the morning, don’t forget to say hello to God and pray for a covering over your day. Pray and ask Him to inspire your actions and your speech. Whether you are going to work, heading to the grocery store or bank, … Continue reading