What is Borderline Personality Disorder?

Although this disorder has a high profile, particularly in the media, there is often confusion about what this condition really is. As it is one of the most common of the personality disorders, manifesting in roughly 15% of the population, let’s firstly investigate some of the classic symptoms of borderline personality disorder. We’ll start by having a look at the typical lifestyle of Lila, aged 39, who was diagnosed in her late teens with Borderline Personality Disorder. Lila leads a tumultuous life. There always seems to be some drama happening that is causing her distress, but on closer inspection, an … Continue reading

Who is Jesus? Looking at the Trinity

As I begin the third part to the “Who is Jesus?” series, you might be wondering where the Trinitarian or Triune beliefs come from if God is one. 1 John 5:7 says, “For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.” In the true definition of Trinity, God is defined as being three persons in one Godhead. Though when we look in the Bible, there is no mention of the word “trinity” or “triune”. We do, however, see 3 roles or aspects in God but we really … Continue reading

Who is Jesus? Examining the Book of John

This is the second part of the series on “Who is Jesus?” The book of John really shows who Christ is so I’d like to examine some of the scriptures. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” (John 1:1-3). This is of course talking about Jesus as Jesus is the “Word”. Continuing on down to verse 10 through 13, “He was in the world, and the world was … Continue reading

Intro: Who Is Jesus?

I am going to begin a short series on who Jesus is. One of the most disheartening things I hear is when other people who are said to be Christians have a misconception of who Jesus Christ is. I didn’t live 2000 years ago so the only source for me in knowing who Jesus is, is to see what the Bible has to say; to see who Jesus Himself claimed to be. Here is a compilation of scripture references and comments that I hope will be helpful to those of you who still aren’t sure, or those who need that … Continue reading

Is Jesus Conservative or Liberal?

For those who know me, you might think you already know what I’m about to say. When determining if Jesus leans more Liberal or more Conservative, we really need to define what each of these titles really mean now, and consider what they may have meant during the years Jesus walked among men. According to the American Heritage Dictionary: Liberal: Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded. Conservative: Favoring traditional … Continue reading

Bible Stories: The Beatitudes

As I have revealed before, I am teaching a children’s Bible class on Sunday mornings. We are currently doing lessons through the Book of Matthew. When I came to the beginning of Matthew chapter five, I really, really struggled with the lesson. Matthew 5:3-12 is a section of scripture which begins what has been named the “sermon on the mount”; however, the specific verses mentioned deal with the beatitudes. I think that although this section of scripture is hard to understand, children still need to be exposed to the beatitudes and taught the beatitudes. One of the first things to … Continue reading

Super Heroes

I decided to take my oldest son out the other day for a mommy and son dinner and shopping date. My son is 5 years old going on 15 by the way. I thought it a good opportunity while we were in the car listening to his latest favorite song, “Love is a Verb” by DC Talk, to share with him how awesome God is. With great emphasis, I decided to ask my son, “Did you know that Jesus is so awesome and powerful—more powerful than all the super heroes out there?!” My son responded matter-of-factly as if I was … Continue reading

The Passion of the Christ

Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion of the Christ was by far the most impacting movie my husband and I have ever seen. After watching it in the theater, we walked out speechless. All either of us could say once we did speak was, “Whoa…” Just like anything else, much of the impact wore off after time and we decided to buy the DVD to watch on occasion when we needed a fresh reminder of what Jesus did for us. This movie, by my assessment was biblically accurate. It covered the last hours of Christ’s life prior to His crucifixion. It … Continue reading

Bible Stories: The Calling of Disciples

In Matthew 4:12-25, immediately following the temptation of Jesus, the Bible describes the calling of some of the disciples of Jesus. In the section of scripture the Bible explains the calling of Andrew and Peter as well as James and John. Andrew and Peter (also called Simon, a good point to explain to children) were brothers who worked as fishermen. (As a side note, you might want to consider combining the material found in Matthew chapter four, with the material found in Luke chapter five, which gives a more detailed account of the calling of Andrew and Peter.) James and … Continue reading

Bible Stories: The Temptation of Jesus

In Matthew 4:1-11, the Bible speaks of the temptation of Jesus. While the concept of temptation may be too advanced for some children, I think it is an incredibly important concept for children who are a little older to understand. Even beginning at a young age, children will be tempted by their friends or by things they see on television to behave in ways that are unacceptable. Hopefully if children realize that temptations exist in this world, they will be better prepared to fight against the temptations that they are faced with in their lives. I would begin this lesson … Continue reading