Diagnostic Criteria for Substance Dependence

When we last visited the topic of Substance Abuse we looked at the diagnostic criteria for substance abuse. Today we look at substance dependence, which differs from abuse in that the component of addiction and addictive behavior is also present. So how do we know if a person has moved from substance abuse to substance dependence? The DSM-IV-TR lists the following guidelines for a diagnosis of substance dependence: A maladaptive pattern of substance abuse leading to significant impairment or distress as manifested by at least three of the following within a 12-month period: 1. Tolerance to the substance as defined … Continue reading

When Substance Abuse becomes Substance Dependence

Substance dependence is usually called addiction, and we customarily use the term to describe people who seem enslaved to the substance concerned. Yet there is much disagreement among experts as to just what constituents substance dependence. A person may be physiologically dependent when great and greater amounts of the drug are required to experience the same effect. This is referred to as tolerance. A person is addicted to a drug when the removal of the drug from the system results in physical symptoms (withdrawal). A common example of this occurs when you get to work and can’t function without your … Continue reading