Substitute Teacher’s Corner: Discipline in the Classroom

Good morning and welcome to Monday, by the time you are reading this, I will actually be substituting today. Our local school is doing their TPRI testing to judge the reading level of the Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students. Generally, this gives the teacher a sound idea of where the student is at with their reading, reading comprehension, sight words and phonics. ?The testing is pretty individualized and since the instructor has to judge each student individually that means they need a substitute teaching their lesson plan for the day. Which brings me to the topic at hand, discipline … Continue reading

Getting a Substitute

With vacation season coming up, some of us might feel like we cannot leave our home businesses in order to get a little rest and relaxation. While shutting up shop for a week or two is one way to handle the whole home business question, you might also consider getting a substitute or someone to come in and “cover things” for you while you take a little time off. Just because you are a sole proprietor running a home business, doesn’t mean that you can’t take advantage of some tried and true ways to make sure work is under control … Continue reading

Substitute Teaching: A Real Learning Experience

I recently became a substitute. So far, I’ve only worked with middle school and high school students. I did work at a preschool in the past, first as a lunch lady then as a teacher’s aide, so I also have experience working with little ones. I’ve yet to have the pleasure of working with elementary school students, but I’m looking forward to it. Working with kids can be very rewarding. Let me be the first to tell you, however, that children of all ages, can give you an education. Of course, as parents, you know this. Yet, it is even … Continue reading