Home Decor: Using Color

Creating an interesting effect, while keeping things in balance, is simple to do through the proper use of color in the right proportion. Adding color helps create interest, adds warmth, and when used intermittently, keeps the eye moving about the room. So, how can you create the proper blend of color without overdoing it? The first step is to use colors that provide contrast or that work to coordinate other elements in the space. For example, if you want more contrast, use fabrics or furnishings that are distinctive from the wall and floor color. If you want to pull everything … Continue reading

A New Look at Stenciling

While some people find stenciling tired or overdone, the key is subtlety. Subtle designs and very subtle colors will give your items a custom touch without that overdone feel. While ivy all over everything has been done to death, there are some nice contemporary stencils available. There are also many different types and colors of fabric paint offered that you can use to give plain fabric treatments some sparkle. You can also add an interesting design to furniture pieces, cabinetry, and walls. Stenciling is a great way to help tie pieces together even if they wouldn’t otherwise go together. While … Continue reading