Body-for-Life Success Story: Jayne Cox

Jayne Cox was hesitant to start Body-for-Life when her husband suggested that they do it together. In fact, she was just plain against falling for another diet or exercise fad. The idea of doing aerobics of any sort was a complete turn-off and lifting weights was something she’d never done and had no interest in starting. Jayne was like many of us. She had a happy marriage, a great family and a comfortable life but something just wasn’t quite right. Jayne had very little self esteem and her personal confidence was non-existent. Although she wasn’t interested in trying Body-for-Life, she … Continue reading

Are You a Weight Loss Success?

Do you have a weight loss success story? We want to hear about it! Beginning this month, I plan to start profiling weight loss success stories from the community. (I’ll even start with my own successful loss from 264 pounds to 170.) If you’d like to be profiled in a success story blog, please email me at with the subject line: Success Story and include the following information: 1. Your name (or user name if you’d prefer not to share your real name). 2. How much weight did you lose? Feel free to include pounds, inches, bodyfat percentage, … Continue reading