Does More Always Mean Better?

More customers, more clients, more sales, more calls, more e-mails—sounds good doesn’t it? But in a small home business, does “more” always mean better? Is it always a good omen and a welcome change when things pick up? It all depends on your definition of success and your capacity for expansion. Too much of “more” and you could find yourself over-taxed and over-stressed. Sometimes this can be temporary—business picks up and it takes you a month or two to adjust to the increased volume and then things level out again. Other times, it can be so stressful as to make … Continue reading

What Am I Afraid Of?

Fears. Is there anything that holds us back in all of our life choices more than our fears? It is so easy for me to see this in my friends and in other people—standing back at my comfortable distance, I can easily see how they are feeling stuck, or making poor decisions, or not moving ahead with key decisions—all because they are letting fear rule the day. But when it comes to my own life and decisions—particularly those that affect my home business—why is that I don’t always see the role that fear plays in holding me back? What are … Continue reading

People Want to Back a Winner

I often draw on my nearly two decades of experience working in nonprofit management and fund development as I work with other types of businesses and focus on my own business. One of the lessons I learned early on is that people do not like to give money to an organization or project they think is struggling and/or failing. It is only rarely that it works for an organization to go out and tell the public that they are losing money and the doors will be closed if donors don’t quickly cough up the funds to keep the doors open. … Continue reading

What is Your Measurement of Success

I just read a post that has me thoroughly confused. Basically, a Rhodes Scholar and grandmother did not approve of her grandchildren being homeschooled. She felt that if public school was good enough for her kids, then it should be good enough for her grand children. After all, her kids turned out fine. She then listed their accomplishments: Her kids were “one minister, two general contractors and one career Army” person. While these careers are noble and good, after reading her whole diatribe about homeschooling, unqualified parents and her own accomplishments, I rather expected her to say her kids were … Continue reading

Sleep & Your Success

It’s important to understand that sleep is an important ingredient. Periodically I like to talk about sleep here in the Fitness blog because too often as adults, overwhelmingly busy – we forget how important sleep is. But the truth is, sleep is as vital to your health as exercise and eating right. Studies Suggest Sleep Helps You to Lose Weight According to Michael Breus a Ph.D. and clinical psychologist, sleep or the lack thereof can be holding you back from losing the weight you want to lose. In his book, Good Night: The Sleep Doctor’s 4-Week Program to Better Sleep … Continue reading

What’s IQ Got to Do With It?

IQ. . . What is it? IQ stands for intelligence quotient, and is a measure often used to determine whether a child is intellectually below average. It is written as a percentage, such as: In other words, if a child is chronologically age eight, but functions at the intellectual age of a four year old, her IQ would be 4/8 = 50% = “50.” In most cases, a normal IQ is considered to be between the range of 90 – 110. And an IQ of 100 would be absolutely average for that child’s age. A child with an IQ between … Continue reading

What Does “Successful” Mean?

“Successful” is a very popular qualifier–whether we’re talking about families, individuals, or businesses–just by adding the word “successful” it seems to raise things up a few notches in everyone’s eyes. But, when running your own home businesses, I think it is important to decide for ourselves what “successful” means, instead of inheriting someone else’s definition… So, what does successful mean to you when you think about your home-based micro business (or businesses)? Does it mean making a lot of money? enough money? Or does it have anything to do with money at all? There’s no law that says money has … Continue reading

I Hate the Way I Look

Do you hate the way you look? Do you look in the mirror and wonder who is that person? Do you get angry with yourself because you don’t look better or you haven’t gotten yourself into better shape? You may think that hating the way you look is the best motivation for working out – right? If you hate the way you look, work to change it. If you want to be thinner, work harder and burn off the weight. That’s how it should work, right? Wrong You see, when you hate the way you look – you are also … Continue reading

Attitude Check!

So, what’s your attitude today? Are you optimistic? Positive? Motivated? Happy? Frustrated? Ready to give up? Passive? Your attitude = success. So, if you are positive, you will have a positive day today. If you are frustrated, your business won’t get far. Attitude works in a few different ways, both internally and externally. That is why having, or even faking, a good attitude can make the difference between success and failure. INTERNAL Your internal attitude is like your prophesy. If you feel you are unstoppable, you will be unstoppable. Those who have positive attitudes get things done not because they … Continue reading

Happy New Year! Time to create habits!

OK, how many happy new year blogs are you going to read? Maybe a ton. Maybe just one. But I hope you read this one! Why? Because, this week can be so important in your business! My goal this week is to make a ton of calls. Normally I aim for just 2 – 5 a day, but I have so much information to get out! Right now, being January, is just a good excuse to call. I addressed this in my last blog. So besides make a ton of calls, what else do I plan to do? Create good … Continue reading