Adjusting to Summer Break

This is the first week my children are off from school. My husband also decided to use one of his vacation weeks and well, the problem is that I wasn’t scheduled off. So not only did I have the challenge of getting my children adjusted to things but I had a husband who wanted to spend time together. I know that most people think its no big deal; after all, I have a pretty flexible schedule. The problem is that with the amount of work I have, I am like most others who work full-time jobs. Yes, I have flexibility … Continue reading

What Happened to Going to School on the Last Day?

Back when I was a kid, the last day of school was always highly anticipated. It was the chance to say our last good-byes. It never occurred to me that some kids today stay home on the last day. Today I found out that many kids do. In fact, many kids stayed home today. I had to decide if I wanted Tyler to go to school tomorrow or not. Sure if he stays home, I get to sleep past 6:30. On the other hand, if he stays home there goes my last day of alone time before summer break. And … Continue reading

Taking a Vacation Before the Summer Break

As parents, we sometimes have a hard time taking a break without feeling guilty. With school ending this week, I decided I would take a vacation and prepare myself for a busy summer. Not a full-time vacation just a few hours off in the morning and a light writing schedule. I figured this week I would drop Tyler off at school and instead of taking my morning walk and then commencing with my work, I would drop him off and then take a two-hour nap. Then get up and work for two hours, have lunch and chill. I figured it … Continue reading