Should I Send My Homeschooler to Summer Camp? Perhaps No

We are now on the verge of summer and many homeschooling families are contemplating summer activities. The question of summer camp is on the forefront of many people’s minds. So should a homeschooling family send the children off to camp? I have already mentioned the reasons why you might want to send your homeschooler to summer camp. Here are some reasons you might not want to send them to summer camp. Summer camp may open them up to public school problems. Summer camp is often just public school once removed. Many of the issues you hoped to avoid by homeschooling … Continue reading

Should I Send My Homeschooler to Summer Camp? Possibly Yes

We are now on the verge of summer and many homeschooling families are contemplating summer activities. The question of summer camp is on the forefront of many people’s minds. So should a homeschooling family send the children off to camp? I will answer this question in two parts. The first will discuss reasons you will want to send your kids to camp, and the second will discuss reasons you might not want to send your homeschooled kids to summer camp. Summer camp can be an excellent change of pace for a homeschooler. It will give them the chance to explore … Continue reading

Countdown To Summer Camp

As I write this snow is accumulating on our front yard and according to the Weather Channel, the wind chills are hovering around 20 degrees. However, I am undeterred. I refuse to let Mother Nature’s identity crisis put a damper on my countdown to summer (never mind spring). If you have school age children then you may have already seen the return of the red X’s on your home calendar (my 11-year-old cousin starts drawing them the day after spring break ends as he counts down to summer vacation). Yes, it’s that time of year again… when parents (and kids) … Continue reading

Quirky Travel Destinations

Summer may still be a few months away (judging by the foot of snow on my front lawn, it could be several months away), but that’s not stopping some tweens from planning for the end of the school year… especially the ones who are avid “American Idol” fans. Forget about Bible Camp, YMCA Camp, and Space Camp, this year kids ages 12 to 15 who can’t get enough of the phenomenally popular singing contest, are begging their parents to send them to Massachusetts for “American Idol” camp. Since the TV show is only open to 16-to-28-year-olds, series creator 19 Entertainment … Continue reading

Get Ready For Summer Camp!

“It’s already time to think about summer camps“, the headline screamed. I was reading the local paper this morning when I ran across this article. It seems like school just started , how can it be time to start thinking about summer camps already? Fortunately, since I work from home I don’t have the issue of what to do with Tyler when school is out. Still, I thought, maybe it would be a good idea to send him to a camp. Even if it’s just for half a day, so that I can get some work done during the day … Continue reading

Backyard Neighborhood Summer Camp For Kids!

Last year, my kids and I got it into our heads that we ought to create summer camp right here in our own back yard. This is a fun, inexpensive way to encourage kids from the neighborhood to pay a visit and stay for awhile and a great way for kids to enjoy a summer camp experience without spending the money, doing the car-pool thing or spending days away from your favorite buddies. Step One: Create a time frame that you will hold camp. This might be every day for a week or one day a week for the whole … Continue reading

What to Look for in a Day Camp

Are you considering a day camp for the kids for the summer? Whether you are looking into soccer, horseback riding, dance or other day camp, here are a few pointers to help you and your kids out as you transition from the end of the school year into the summer months. Be sure to talk to your child about what types of camps they are interested in When you have a choice or choices, take them to pick up brochures or more information As a parent, request references from the camp facility – call other parents and get some honest … Continue reading

Get ready for… SUMMER CAMP!

School’s almost out and summer is just around the corner. If you haven’t considered it before, summer camps for kids with disabilities are fun, instructional, inspiring, and offer ways for kids to socialize. There are all KINDS of camps, and most likely several in your area, providing opportunities for your child to have a terrific summer-fun experience. My son Garrett loved attending his juvenile diabetes camp in San Diego, California. Camp “Wanna-Kura” provided fun activities that taught principles of nutrition, glucose testing, and insulin dosing. There were LOTS of other kids for Garrett to interact with, who all had diabetes … Continue reading

Summer is Coming.. . And What to Do With the Kids?

Want a cheap alternative to summer camps and daycare to keep your kids busy this summer? Form a co-op and a have a summer camp of your own! You’ll not only save money, but most of the time you’ll have others to watch your kids for free. To start, find some other willing parents who want to give their children something to do and are willing to help out in order to save money. Together, you can plan the schedule and hours of your summer camp. You might choose to do a morning camp or an afternoon camp, which meets … Continue reading

Hazing: What Parents Need To Know

Last summer, at an Episcopal church camp in Prescott Arizona, a group of junior high school boys arrived for what they thought was going to be a spiritual leadership camp and left feeling sexually violated and demoralized. Camp counselors used broomsticks or poles to poke and prod these boys in their buttocks as both punishment and entertainment for counselors in a bad mood. Photographs were taken that clearly showed the displeasure on the faces of the campers. Although the prosecutor’s office did not find that there was any sexual intent, these boys were clearly harmed emotionally by the experience that … Continue reading