10 Reasons I Hate Summer Exercise

Summer time, summer time, sum-sum-summer time! It’s that time of the year again, granted – I’ve seen it be a 100 degrees in May, so this May it hasn’t been too bad. But the heat is coming and the heat is hot and it blisters and it is miserable weather. I know there are a lot of perks to summer, but I think I outgrew most of those when I turned 18 and didn’t get summer vacation anymore. Frankly, if I got 12 weeks off, I’d be happier about the hotter, brutal weather, but then I don’t. So for fun, … Continue reading

Power Weeding – Flexibility and Endurance

Weeding is a lot like eating potato chips, you can’t pull just one. For most gardeners, weeds are a bane. I went to England for a week last month and during the 7 short days that I was gone, the weeds staged a coup on my flower beds. Gardening can be an active workout, just ask most of the most spectacular gardeners in your neighborhood, because caring for it I was out in my yard last evening, pulling weeds for about an hour. I have another hour’s worth of weeding to do today; just as likely I’ll spend some time … Continue reading

Healthy Exercise In The Summer Heat

The hottest days of summer may require you to modify your usual workouts just a bit. Here are some tips to help you stay healthy and safe while you exercise this summer. Staying Cool Take a cold shower before you exercise. A German study found that cooling your body down before your workout can help lower your core temperature, your skin temperature, and your heart rate. Adjust your jogging or walking route to stay in the shade. Check the Weather Channel or other forecasts to find the best time of the day to exercise. Pick dirt or gravel paths for … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review June 2 – June 8

Is it Saturday already? This has been a crazy week and our plans were sidetracked hard because the daughter was sick all week. She suffered from a high fever for five days and now she has a full-fledged head cold. Hopefully next week will see us back out on our bikes and swimming again. In the meanwhile, here is our week in review: Saturday, June 2 Does Becoming a Parent Means Becoming Sedentary? Studies suggest that with the shifting priorities and lack of sleep after a baby is born, parents are less likely to exercise than they were before they … Continue reading

Fitness Blog Week in Review May 14 – May 19

I love writing the weeks in review, some weeks I like writing them more than others and this month has definitely been falling more in the less than the more category. But we’re getting caught up and in just one week, the craziness will droop off a bit and I won’t feel like I’m being left behind in my own blogging. So without further ado, let’s talk about this Monday, May 14 Have you ever considered that all you need to do to achieve your goals is to Partner Up: Lose Weight with Your Spouse? Or perhaps that you should … Continue reading

Top 10 Reasons to Like Summer Exercise

I talked about the top 10 reasons to hate exercising in the summer, so appropriately enough; it’s time to talk about the top 10 reasons to like exercising in the summer. If you think this list sounds suspiciously like our earlier list, then the coincidence is probably only a little imaginary. But let’s not get all hung up on that right now and let’s talk about the top 10 reasons to like exercising in the summer: It’s hot in the summer and that means it’s the perfect weather for shorts and tank tops. You don’t have to worry about freezing … Continue reading

Top 10 Reasons To Hate Summer Exercise

It’s summer. No, I know technically that summer isn’t supposed to start officially until June 21st, but it’s hot and it’s muggy and that makes it pretty close to summer. I’ve already had my first sunburn of the season and I’m likely to have another one even if I can remember to do the sunscreen the way I’m supposed to. Any who, just for fun, here are the top ten reasons to hate summer exercise: It’s hot. Yes, it’s hot. When it’s as hot as it can get down here in Texas, doing outdoor activities in the afternoon is an … Continue reading