Top Summer Health Risks Part 2

Last time I talked about two top summer health risks, how to prevent them and how to treat them. While we tend to think more about preventive measures in the winter during cold and flu season, we should also be prepared to combat the health risks of summer. Summer will be a lot more fun when you can avoid getting sick or injured. Here is the rest of what you need to know to keep yourself and your family safe. Poison Ivy (and Poison Oak, Poison Sumac) No one wants to get the itchy and sometimes painful rash that comes … Continue reading

Swimmer’s Ear

If you love to swim, you’ve probably encountered Swimmer’s Ear at least once in your life. I had it once when I was younger and I hope I never ever have it again! My ear hurt all the way down into my jaw and I was miserable until it cleared up. So what is Swimmer’s Ear? It is an infection of the ear and ear canal, usually caused by a germ by the name of “pseudomonas aeurginosa”. It is a pretty common germ found in soil and water. If you have Swimmer’s Ear, you may feel itching or pain (or … Continue reading