Picking The Right Sunscreen For Your Family

Not all sunscreens are created equal. Boy, if I had a dime for each time my dermatologist has uttered those words to me I would be able to afford more trips to her office. In my previous blog I tried to provide a translation of the alphabet soup printed on the outside of sunscreen bottles. Basically, you want to look beyond the SPF numbers and choose a product that protects you from both UVA and UVB rays. The good news is that a growing number of sunscreen manufacturers are paying attention and offering more “broad spectrum” products with UVA blockers. … Continue reading

Deciphering The Sunscreen Alphabet

What a difference a few moles can make. Whereas I was once voted as the high school student most likely to have a tan, I am now considered the most sunscreen savvy mom in my daughter’s playgroup. My transformation didn’t come without suffering several severe sunburns. Each and every one of them is seared into my memory, mainly because they were so incredibly painful. With summer just a few weeks away I thought now would be a good time to re-educate sun lovers about the importance of solar protection. These days most of us are well aware of SPF, but … Continue reading

The Summer Travel Accessory I Don’t Leave Home Without

Do you have a must-have travel accessory? Is it your briefcase? Your laptop? Perhaps, it’s your child’s carseat or your diaper bag. I have written about travel accessories in the previous blogs, but with most of the nation in the midst of a heat wave coupled with a report I recently read about a pill you can take to protect your skin from sun damage I feel it is appropriate to blog about the one accessory I do not leave home without regardless of where I travel: sunscreen. I grew up in Hawaii and know many people who have been … Continue reading