Tristi’s Quest . . . It Begins

I have a confession to make. It’s one of those things that good little Mormons try to keep a secret, knowing that it’s wrong, and yet, not knowing how to get over the mindset. I really have a hard time keeping the Sabbath day holy. I know it’s important. I know and believe that it shows our Heavenly Father our love for Him. I’ve read the scriptures that outline the blessings we will receive when we accomplish it. There’s just one problem . . . I get bored. Really, really bored. It’s so hard not to check my e-mails and … Continue reading

A Typical Pinkston Sunday

Picture, if you will, my house on a Sunday morning. Ignore the large pile of laundry on the couch – be grateful it’s clean, and not dirty. We’re all bathed (a Herculean feat) and we’ve managed to find something to eat (also a miracle, as half the children don’t like to eat what the other half like, and finding meals to please the whole family and that aren’t pizza is like finding something . . . well, something really hard to find.) We all get our shoes on and get into the van. Someone is sad because they weren’t the … Continue reading

The Sunday Bulletin

Every Sunday morning we are usually in such a rush to get to church that by the time we arrive, songs have already broken out and I don’t take the opportunity to read my bulletin. Sometimes my bulletin serves as a coaster for my tea and becomes an object for sermon notes and, I admit, doodling. Since our pastor usually makes announcements of upcoming events from the pulpit, I typically don’t think to look through the bulletin since our church also has a website should I become forgetful about a specific event date. When visiting a church for the first … Continue reading

The Friend Magazine

Written especially for the children of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The Friend Magazine has been in circulation for decades. Designed to help children feel involved in the Church and to share stories that will uplift the reader, the magazine is a great combination of religious reinforcement, fun, and activities. The first few pages of each issue are devoted to a message from a member of the First Presidency of the Church, generally sharing an experience they had when they were children, or relating a story about an exceptional child they know. These messages are meant to … Continue reading

Twice on Sunday

Have you hugged your spouse today? Did you say, “I love you” to him or her today? Did you give your husband or wife a hug, a kiss, a pat, a squeeze? Did you put your arm around him or her? If not, go find your mate and do any of the above or use any other loving gesture or expression you like to let your spouse know you are thinking about him or her right this minute. Then, do it again either immediately or later in the day or evening. Twice on Sunday will help make up for any … Continue reading

The Sabbath in Bible Times

Why Was there a Sabbath? The Sabbath, or “day of rest”, established by God at Creation is still observed by Orthodox Jews today. God’s purpose for the Sabbath was not simply that His people “take a day off” to remember His act of Creation, but also that they would be set apart from all other nations by their observance of it. The pagan nations, which eventually surrounded Israel, didn’t observe the Sabbath. Therefore, if the Jews continued to keep it, it would help protect them from assimilating into pagan cultures, and also make Israel stand out to its neighbors. Josephus, … Continue reading

What Do You Do on Sunday Afternoons?

Sunday afternoons are one of my favorite times during the week. Do I go somewhere exciting? Do I enjoy my favorite hobbies or sports? Not really. Sunday afternoons are for rigorously structured laziness. Our family doesn’t make plans, we don’t take trips, we use them instead, for rest and relaxation. In a society that sees church attendance as less and less of a priority, Sundays have become simply another Saturday. People go to the malls, meet with friends, work on their houses, go to parties and stay out late. In our family, Sundays are a day in which we avoid … Continue reading

The Mechanics of a Sacrament Talk

One of my favorite classes in college was a public speaking course I took in my senior year. In truth, I took it to fulfill a requirement, because it seemed like an easy ‘A’ – and it was (I finished the midterm in about fifteen minutes and missed one or two questions). However, I really enjoyed the class and got a lot out of it. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we are frequently blessed (that’s the right word, right?) with the opportunity to present talks in Sacrament meeting. I would like to share a … Continue reading

Managing Sunday Mornings

Sunday morning is a very chaotic time in most households. It can be difficult to have everyone up and ready for church at the same time on a Sunday morning. This is especially true of large families, who are used to staggering mornings, which happen as children attend different schools. Sunday mornings can quickly lose that peaceful feeling, as there is a fight over who gets the next shower, and how long each person is taking in the bathroom. There are a few things you can do to combat this chaos. 1) Prepare as much as you can the night … Continue reading

Sunday Activities

Children may have a hard time looking at Sunday in a positive light. Often they only see the things that they are not allowed to do, rather than the positive aspects of Sunday. However there are ways to keep your children entertained while having them stay focused on the importance of the Sabbath Day. 1) “The Friend” is an excellent resource of crossword puzzles, riddles, and coloring pages that are centered on gospel topics. You can find these at, then you will need to go to “Gospel Library” and do a search. If you search for the phrase “click … Continue reading