Sunday Service

Sundays are a wonderful and special day. It is a time to worship and to renew our covenants with God. It is also a time to rest and be at home with our family. Sometimes it may be hard to distinguish Sundays from other days of the week, if you find that your family comes home and disappears to all parts of the house. You can call them back together by performing some simple acts of Sunday service. One of the best acts of service you can provide as a family on Sundays is to invite a single member or … Continue reading

Speaking in Sacrament Meeting

At one time or another we will all be asked to speak in Sacrament meeting. I’ve found that there are two schools of thought on the matter: either you run screaming when asked to give a talk, or you are the kind of person that actually enjoys standing in front of all those people. Maybe you’re a little bit of both, depending on the topic. But when it comes down to it, we are all faced with the same dilemma: What to talk about? If you are lucky you are given a topic to prepare on. At least I feel … Continue reading