Shopping For “Healthy” Sunglasses

A while back I wrote about my struggle to find the perfect sunglasses. Back then any pair of shades that didn’t make me look like a bug would make it to the check out counter. Then I went to the ophthalmologist and got a major wake up call. If you base your choice in outdoor eyewear on comfort or fashion you may be putting your eyes at risk. Many of us look at sunglasses as an accessory or simply a way to avoid squinting on a sunny day. Rarely do we consider how they protect our eyes and the skin … Continue reading

Celebrity Style Fix: Sunglasses

No trip to the beach is complete without a pair of sunglasses. Whether they are $450 designer frames or $5 convenience store shades, sunglasses are hot items, especially when the mercury climbs skyward. Take a quick glance through fashion and celebrity lifestyle magazines (I do while I’m in the check out line at the grocery store) and you will see page after page of Hollywood stars donning tinted lenses. They look great. So, how come I look like a bug when I put on a pair? At first I blamed it on my daughter (until the guilt overwhelmed me and … Continue reading