Frugal SuperBowl

Want to celebrate the Superbowl but not spend a lot of money? From hosting parties to getting in on official events, here are some ideas that will help you have a great time and stay on budget. Your guests will hope that you host it every year! One idea to have a frugal Superbowl is to host a potluck party. Ask your guests to bring food or a beverage. You can provide the paper plates, cups, napkins, etc. Purchase them at the dollar store instead of the party store to save a lot of money. You can also make inexpensive … Continue reading

Oops He Did It Again!

The Super Bowl is still a couple of weeks away, but controversy is already brewing regarding an upcoming ad slated to air during the big game, and guess who it features? Mr. Britney Spears himself. Yes, Kevin “I got Fed-Exed” Federline is smack in the middle of it all. According to the New York Post, executives in the fast-food industry are blasting the commercial for Nationwide Insurance, which features Brit’s ex daydreaming about being a rap star but really working in a fast-food joint. Representatives for the National Restaurant Association called the ad “demeaning and unpleasant” to the nation’s 12.8 … Continue reading