Superman Returns or Yes, Lois: The World Really Does Need Superman

Again, I must preface this review by saying that, normally, tries to focus on films with a rating of G-PG. However, this is Superman and as a child raised on the Christopher Reeve films, I find it hard to believe there won’t be a number of parents taking their children to see Superman’s latest film adventure. Before I get into this review, I’m going to go ahead and admit that I was worried. I was afraid that, somehow, this new film would trample my childhood memories of the superhero I held so dear. My first crush was Christopher Reeve … Continue reading

Superman Returns-With A Twist

Today across the nation the newest Superman film titled “Superman Returns” is being released in theatres. I used to enjoy the Superman movies of the late 70’s and early 80’s with Christopher Reeve playing Superman. From the trailers that I have seen, the new flick looks very edgy and entertaining. So what does Superman have to do with single parenting? Interestingly, Hollywood in all of its wisdom has decided to cast Lois Lane (played by Kate Bosworth)-Superman’s former love interest as a single mother. I have not seen the movie yet, but the premise is that Superman has left earth … Continue reading