Spending Your Scrapbook Organization and Storage Dollars Wisely

Organization is the key to productivity, or so the old saying goes. So how do you get organized when you have very little to spend on storage? Is there a way to accomplish an organized system and not spend a lot? Certainly. The key to spending wisely is knowledge. Knowledge is power. Another one of those old sayings. Begin my taking note of what needs to be organized. Don’t just make a list that says ‘small embellishments’ or ‘paper’. What you need to do is pull each category apart. Not only do you need to count brads and eyelets, but … Continue reading

Tips to Remember When Spending on Scrapbook Supplies

With tax season over today, and everyone shuffling to get those last minute returns filed, I thought I would remind you of some good ways to spend your money on scrapbooking supplies. I don’t know too many scrapbooker’s who don’t purchase something for themselves with the tax money they get back. Here are a few tips to spending wisely. The Dollar Per Use Rule – Before you spend any money at all on a scrapbooking tool or supply, be sure that it is something you really think you will use. Keep in mind that there is a dollar to use … Continue reading

Basic Emergency Supply Kit 3

Do you know what you need to have in your home to be prepared in the event of an emergency? If you want to help protect yourself and your family, having a basic emergency supply kit is essential. We have been talking about the various supplies that need to go into your kit. If you missed the first two articles in the series, click here to review them: Basic Emergency Supply Kit and Basic Emergency Supply Kit 2 Let’s continue with our supply list. Dust mask. A dusk mask will help filter out air that has been contaminated by dust, … Continue reading

Basic Emergency Supply Kit 2

This is the second article in the series about being prepared at home with a basic emergency supply kit. We talked about the government’s guidelines for water and food stockpiles, as well as how to store them, in preparation for an emergency. Now we will keep going with the other items that you should have at home to be prepared. Radios. Yes, that is plural. According to the U.S. government guidelines, each household should have two radios. The first should be a hand-cranked or battery operated radio, and the second should be a NOAA Weather Radio that includes a tone … Continue reading

Cheap Scrapbooking Supplies From The Bathroom 2

Nobody could possibly believe that it is possible to find scrapbooking supplies in the bathroom? This is the second part of a two article series on discovering frugal supplies and embellishments in the bathroom of your own house. You more than likely already have these items, and it will be fun to discover how you can use them on your scrapbook layouts. Barrettes and Bobby Pins – These are fantastic accessories to use as embellishments on your scrapbooking layouts. They can be altered, inked, embossed, painted or otherwise to make them coordinate with your layouts. They act the same way … Continue reading

Cheap Scrapbooking Supplies From The Bathroom 1

Who in the world ever thought you could find scrapbooking supplies in the bathroom? Most scrapbookers would think you were nuts to even suggest it, but its possible. My frugal nature causes me to look for fun and innovative supplies and embellishments in the strangest of places. The bathroom was never off limits. In fact, nothing is off limits for me. What can you possibly find in the bathroom? Cotton Balls and Swabs – These are the two most commonly found items in the bathroom that can be used either as applicators for inks, chalks, etc. Or you can be … Continue reading

New or Used Office Equipment?

We occasionally talk here in the Home Business blog about making purchases of office supplies and equipment. Depending on the type of business you are operating, equipment and supplies could be a major and constant concern or more of a periodic issue in your planning and budgeting. Even for those of us with relatively small businesses and minimal equipment needs, equipment may very well be one of our largest expenses. Deciding whether to buy brand new in a box, or consider something used or refurbished can be a major business decision. I know a few people who have bought used … Continue reading

Saving on Craft Supplies

Many of us dabble in crafts of various types at some time. It is a great creative outlet for many. However, a lot of crafter’s do it all the time, and realize it can get expensive depending on what you actually do. There are always ways to cut costs and save for various craft mediums, but if I knew of some places to go to make it even better and guarantee you a savings every time, would you want to know? I’m one of those “all the time” crafters with my scrapbooking. I do dabble in some other craft mediums, … Continue reading

Make it Last…Or Buy New

I used to work with a client who was very thrifty—they were constantly making do with second-hand equipment and counting every piece of paper and paperclip. It was a great lesson for me in learning when it is good and beneficial for the business to be careful and thrifty, and when it costs more to keep using outdated equipment and supplies than to just purchase new ones. None of us is particularly fond of expenses in our home businesses. We know full well that expenses eat into our profit and affect our bottom line. But, the thing is, we are … Continue reading

Digital Scrapbooking Basic Supplies

Digital scrapbooking is a bit different than traditional scrapbooking in that you can obtain all the cute papers, embellishments and other items for a lot less than regular scrapbooking supplies. The reason of course, is because they are digitally obtained. But even with the lower cost of supplies, there are still some things you need to scrapbook digitally. Digital Photographs These do not have to be taken with a digital camera although that is the most practical way. If you have a regular non-digital camera, you can use your scanner to scan the photographs onto your computer. There, you now … Continue reading