Pneumonia Great

Did you know that when you are in the hospital as a patient and you see your own personal physician in the halls he is not allowed to come in your room unless you request? I did not either but that is what I found out when I saw my primary care doctor in the halls on the third night post-surgery. I asked him to come in because I was not feeling all that great. They gave me a blood transfusion earlier in the day but that was not the problem. I felt like I was developing bronchitis or pneumonia. … Continue reading

Tabby: One Very Sick Cat

I’m anxiously waiting for a call from the vet this morning. Tuesday when I brought Tabby home after her spay surgery she was fine. She hopped right out of her carrier and walked around almost like nothing had happened. But that was the trouble. While I was upstairs preparing her room so I could keep her confined for a few days per vet instructions, I had forgotten about the door from the laundry room to the garage I’d left open for Mr. Meow earlier that morning. He likes to sometimes go exploring out there, and after what I put him … Continue reading