WHEW! It’s Benign, Can I Describe My Relief?

My doctor just called, they got the pathology back on the biopsy they performed on the tissue removed when they removed my ovary and fallopian tube. It’s all 100% benign. I feel like a tremendous weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I didn’t realize just how much I was stressing over this until he called. There is a history of uterine cancer in my family and when they said the mass was so bad they had to remove the ovary in its entirety – well, yes I grew afraid. But It’s Benign It’s benign which means it’s not cancer … Continue reading

Well, Here I Am Again …

Good morning, it feels strange to be sitting down and typing. I know it’s only been a few days since I was last here posting my thoughts, my workouts, my research and more, but it’s been a very long few days for me. For those of you who read my blogs regularly, you know that I was scheduled for surgery just three days ago. The surgery was exploratory in nature, designed to go in and examine the mass they found on my right ovary. The last few weeks had given me plenty of time to think ahead to the surgery … Continue reading

Sebaceous Cysts: What You Should Know

For the last couple of years, I’ve had a little lump just under the skin on my shoulder. I didn’t think much of it; with all this extra weight I’m carrying, lumps mean cellulite, right? Recently it began rubbing against my bra strap and bothering me, and I noticed it was getting larger. It was well past time to see the doctor. He took a look and told me it wasn’t cellulite. Cellulite is usually a little squishy, and this lump was hard. It was, he said, a sebaceous cyst, and then he proceeded to tell me what that meant. … Continue reading

What Kind of Book Should I Take to the Hospital?

So, you’re off to the hospital and you want to pack a book to while away the hours. I’ve come up with a list of suggestions for you to make the selection process a little easier. 1. If you are having a procedure that requires any sort of incision in the area ranging from the chest to the naval, do not take a humorous book. The laughing will hurt like the dickens and it will not be worth the extra morphine they’ll have to give you. 2. If you are having a baby, you probably won’t want to take a … Continue reading

Gotcha Day #2

One month after our first “gotcha day”, the phone rang and it was our state social worker. She was calling to say that Caleb’s older brother, Tommy, was immediately available to be moved into our home as a foster child. Tommy had been in a therapeutic home because of his health. The foster parent that had him called the state and demanded that they pick him up that day. Apparently, they could not handle him. We were well on our way in our planning to adopt all three of Caleb’s older brothers. We readily agreed to take Tommy that day. … Continue reading

Who am I and What am I Doing Here?

I’m tired and I woke up this morning and I wasn’t quite sure what the day was or even what time it was. As I looked at the clock, my eyes blurred over and it took fifteen minutes of having hot water pound me in the face to wake me up. The doctors let my husband come home yesterday, but he’s got to take it very easy over the next few days to let the stitches and staples heal. I’m Exhausted I’m physically exhausted, I’m mentally exhausted and I’m emotionally exhausted. Over the last three days, I seem to have … Continue reading

The State of Marriage can affect the State of Health

The way we relate to each other is of course important, but never as important as when one spouse is ill or injured. Any stress can negative affect the outcome, recovery, and side effects of surgery, but marital stress appears to play an even greater role. Studies indicate that there is such a strong mind/body connection between spouses that marital discord can delay healing or even lead to complications when surgery is at issue. This is how profoundly we affect one another, which shows us that things we often think of as “no big deal,” may often be a very … Continue reading

Eyelash Implants

In a previous blog I wrote about a new procedure that claimed it would allow you to get rid of your mascara forever. Eyelash extensions plumped up your lashes without the pain of going under the knife. Well, if you thought that was inviting this next procedure could take your lashes to a whole new level. If you think you’ve seen it all when it comes to cosmetic surgery think again. Introducing… eyelash transplant surgery. Studies show it is the new must-have procedure for women — and the occasional man – looking to extend their lashes in an unconventional manner. … Continue reading

Is Lap Band Surgery Safe?

In the past two years, we have been hearing about a new type of weight loss surgery called the “lap band”. For years, gastric bypass was the only surgery option that seemed to work. However, gastric bypass also comes with some high risks to infection, heavy scarring, and even death. Considered a highly invasive surgery, people who struggle with obesity have turned to gastric bypass trying to create a healthier life. Now, it appears the lap band system may be a better alternative, also successful but without as high as risks. The difference between the two surgeries is dramatic. For … Continue reading

Celebrity Inspired Surgery—“Star Butts”

Sure, I page through celebrity magazines and wish I had Halle Berry’s eyes, or Sandra Bullock’s chin, or Christie Brinkley’s nose, but I would never undergo a major operation to obtain their assets. But, that’s just me. There are, however, many people who take pictures of Holywood’s “finest” into their plastic surgeon’s office requesting to look “just like them.” (Have you ever seen the show “Dr. 90210?”) Now, those requesting cosmetic surgery are moving in a new direction—instead of using famous faces as inspiration, now famous fannies are in high demand. In fact, one New York City plastic surgeon has … Continue reading