Getting Beyond Survival

I wrote earlier today about the basics of starting over—just a little refresher course for those of us who are going through transitions or in need of a boost as we work to rebuild our lives. Of course, single parents are not the only ones who need a crash course in starting over, but it is definitely part of our life path! In the midst of getting things going again, you might find that you get very good at just surviving—holding things together and struggling along at sustenance level. At some point, however, it becomes time to take a leap … Continue reading

Scripture Study: 1 Nephi 16:26-32

Lehi’s family is wandering in the wilderness, and they are starving. The bows have lost their springs, and Nephi’s high quality steel bow was their last chance for survival. When his bow breaks, his brothers begin to murmur, and even Lehi complains against the Lord. But after Nephi speaks to his father and shows him loving respect befitting his position as patriarch of the family and prophet of the Lord, Lehi repents and goes to the Lord to inquire where Nephi should go to look for food. 26. And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord said … Continue reading

Sometimes, It’s All About Survival

Sure, sometimes things are going well and our single-parent world and family are all humming along with love, passion and purpose. The bills are paid, our child is happy and healthy, and life feels purposeful and productive. Sometimes. At other times, things get rough and bumpy and it really is all about just getting through. Sometimes, the focus is just on survival… When those survival times come on, it doesn’t mean that we are failing. It can surely seem as though we’ve done something wrong, or that when we look around–everyone else has got it better than we do and … Continue reading

Preparing Kids For an Unsafe World

I’ve never wanted to scare my kids. I don’t want them to be immobilized by fear or distrustful of everyone they meet. But, I wanted them to know how to keep themselves safe–as if my diligent preparation could keep them out of harm’s way and protected from the harsh random reality that comes from living in this world of humans. They are teenagers now and typical invincibility has replaced the caution hammered into them by a variety of stranger safety, earthquake drills, and safe touch books when they were younger. I finally realized that I cannot keep them safe, I … Continue reading