Komen Race for the Cure

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. One of the major fundraising and awareness events run by Komen for the Cure is the Race for the Cure. One thing that makes the Komen Race for the Cure stand out? Race for the Cure is not just an American event. The Komen.org website lists Race for the Cure events in eleven different countries, including Egypt, Italy, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, and Tanzania. Race for the Cure is a chance to raise funds for breast cancer research and awareness, celebrate survivors, and honor those who have lost their battle with the disease. The Komen.org … Continue reading

Who Was Susan G. Komen?

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And one name I hear associated with the fight against breast cancer over and over is Susan G. Komen. Susan G. Komen was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of thirty-three. Her three year battle with the disease included nine operations and three courses of chemotherapy. She passed away in 1980. Her sister, Nancy Brinker, founded the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation in 1982. Brinker felt that her sister might have had a better battle against the disease if more people understood cancer and how it is treated. Komen had also asked … Continue reading

Race for the Cure – October is Around the Corner

Not really, but with just 4 months to go it’s time to start preparing for the Susan G. Komen Dallas Race for the Cure. Today I received my invitation to sign up for the 2007 Race for the Cure and so now the prepping is on. 5K Run/Walk I’ll be participating in the 5K walk this year. My goal is to do the 3 miles in about 45 minutes. This would 3 15-minute miles. The first mile is the easiest, it’s the next two miles that are tough to match and to measure. My daughter wants to do the walk … Continue reading

Cook for the Cure

I don’t need a good reason to cook. I would cook for just about anyone or anything. While nine months pregnant with my second child, I once catered a party for a friend. . .of a cousin of a friend. However, when I happened upon the Cook for the Cure website my interest perked. Cooking? A good cause? I’m there. Cook for the Cure is a national campaign in which anyone can participate to raise money for breast cancer research. Proceeds from any Cook for the Cure event as well as proceeds from Cook for the Cure sales go to … Continue reading

My Monday Feet Were Made For Walking

Just five days left until the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. I’ll be walking the 1K next Saturday morning and I need to be on site by 6:30 in the morning. Part of my preparation is walking 1K every other day this week and riding my stationary bike for 45 minutes on the alternating days. Since the walk takes place outdoors with more than 10,000 participants, I’ll be alternating the incline to imitate walking up and down hills as well as the uneven feeling of pavement under the feet. The 1K is not a huge distance to walk, … Continue reading