Swimming – How to Have Fun Tips

Recently, in Dear Heather, Valorie asked for biking and swimming ideas for a large family. Swimming and biking are activities that families can do together and that can involve different age groups as well as different levels of skill and proficiency. So let’s take some time today to talk about swimming fun that you and your family can have. Safety First It’s important that whenever you are engaging in any physical activity that you put safety first. Because drowning can occur, you want to make sure your kids, especially the young ones who cannot swim have on proper flotation devices … Continue reading

Swimming Tips

Swimming is such a great activity during the summer that we sometimes forget that swimming is a great way to build and maintain fitness. It’s also a great way to build up your muscle strength because water provides natural resistance for your muscles that you have to push against whether you are walking or swimming in the pool. If you want to take advantage of time spent in the pool with the kids as part of your workout routine, here are some tips to get the most out of your pool workouts: Haven’t really swum in a while? Take some … Continue reading