Home and Family: Stress Solutions

Every family deals with stress at times. It’s just a fact of life. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of too many things going on all at once, and getting more organized or turning down some of those activities can have a big impact. Other times, there are more pressing or serious issues at play that you may have no control over. Whatever is creating stress in your home there are some ways to help lessen its effects on you and your family. Take Care of Yourself This may be the most important piece of advice. Try to avoid letting stress … Continue reading

De-Stress the Holidays

Unless you are one of those people that does things perfectly and effortlessly (which I’m certainly not), you may find yourself a little stressed during the holidays. There is a lot to do and we all want everything to be special and wonderful for our families. Well, that means taking care of ourselves while we take care of everything else. Take Care of You Thanksgiving is one week away, and I’m sure you have lots of stuff to do. However, today is “take care of you” day. Now, now, don’t shake your head and sigh. Keep reading… I know you … Continue reading

Marriage Tips: Health

If you plan to grow old with your husband or wife, you need to start taking care of yourself now and continue to do so. Encourage your spouse to make healthier choices as well, and make doing so as easy as possible. Care for each other when sick, especially through serious illness or injury. The issue of health has been covered in previous articles, but there are still aspects that we can address. We owe it to ourselves to take care of our bodies, minds, and spirits, but we also owe it to our spouses. We promised to be there … Continue reading