Dealing with Depression

Depression is a serious problem in society. It is the most common of all metal health problems, yet it is one that is not talked about nearly as often as it should be. Statistics tell us one in five people will suffer from depression at some stage in their lives. You or your spouse or someone in your family could be a likely candidate for depression. So what can you do if your spouse or someone in your family suffers from depression? Firstly, you and your spouse or the person who has depression need to realize that depression in an … Continue reading

The Glue That Holds Marriage Together

Sure love and sex and all those other things we’ve talked about are important but there’s one thing that is vital. Communication- I know it’s something I talk about often in connection with marriage. Communication is vital before marriage and once we are married. It’s really the glue hat keeps a marriage together. If you can’t talk, and really talk, to your marriage partner about anything and everything then it makes for a difficult situation. We all want someone who accepts us as we are and who understands us. That someone should be the person we’re married to. We should … Continue reading

A Conversation You Wish You Had with Your Spouse

Is there a conversation you wish you had had with your spouse? It might be a conversation you wish you’d had with your spouse, or your parents, or another family member. The book I’ve been reading suggested, ‘write down something you wish you’d said with someone close to you but never did.’ In the book the main character, Sophie, looks back at all the ‘honest conversations’ she didn’t have with her ex. Conversations that she believed later might have averted the ‘derailment of their marriage.’ She thought about all the conversations she didn’t have with her parents and with her … Continue reading

Pictures of You

Is the picture of you from your mirror, the same as the picture of you that your spouse has? In other words what you see, is that what your spouse sees? I don’t mean the outside appearance but your positive and negative traits and qualities. Do we ever see ourselves, our good points and our faults objectively? Recently Mick and I were with another couple we know. Being a person who loves quizzes and personality tests and such, I tried out a 100 question quiz or brain system checklist with another couple. Each of them had to answer each question … Continue reading

Dealing with Irritations and Problems in Marriage

How important are the little things in marriage? They are very important. It is often the little things which when ignored can become monumental problems in marriage. The other day we were listening to 60s song on the local community radio station. And Mick made the comment it’s often the little things that end up over time being the straw that breaks the camel ‘back. The little things about that their spouse does that start to drive a husband or wife crazy. So of course, I asked whether there were things I do that annoy him. The two he mentioned … Continue reading