Home Chore List: Weekly Cleaning Chores (2)

Ready for the rest of the weekly cleaning chores? It is Monday, which is a great day of the week to get started, if you haven’t already been following our home chore lists. Just to recap, here is the list of the weekly chores that we have so far. You can check out the previous article, Home Chore List: Weekly Cleaning Chores (1) to get details about these chores, including tips that will make them easier to tackle. And don’t worry, at the end of the series, we will have an easy to print lisk of all of the chore … Continue reading

You Can Talk About It, Read About It, But as Some Point, You Just Have to Do It

Recently, I was reminded of the wisdom in this saying when I was teaching someone how to do some new job tasks. She was as eager for me to turn them over and “stop talking” as I was eager to let things go and let her run with it. She reminded me that you can read about swimming and talk about swimming, but at some point you just have to jump in and swim. Since we were talking about work and business stuff, I thought this was a great reminder that there is no substitution for actually jumping in and … Continue reading

Unfinished Tasks Equal Stress

The more stuff that you leave undone in your office or on your desk at the end of the day can contribute to increased stress. The truth is, the more unfinished tasks and business you have when you leave work, the more anxiety and stress you may feel. For those of us who run our own home-based businesses and find it tough to “leave work” anyway—this can mean some major stress to contend with. Recently, I was working on a work project that extended over several weeks. It was one of those things that had so many elements and incidentals … Continue reading

If You Really, Really Hate It, Don’t Do It

I was raised in a world of blue collar, working class stoics–where you go to work and do what needs to be done, regardless of how you might feel about it personally. But, I realize that isn’t always the best route to take, and part of being an independent adult running your own home business should mean that you can organize your world so that you don’t have to do things you really, really, hate. In this day and age, if a person really hates cleaning toilets or hauling garbage, we can find or pay someone else to do it … Continue reading

Working on Things You Hate

As a parent, I often have the conversation with my kids about how adults have to do things they don’t like—we do not always get to pick and choose only those things we love and enjoy. Part of living in this world is acknowledging that there are going to be those things we hate, that we still have to do—AND, part of operating a home business is acknowledging that we are going to have to do those things we hate in order to make our businesses run smoothly. I think people fall into two camps when it comes to dealing … Continue reading