More Memorial Day Deals- 2011

If you are someone who has the day off of work tomorrow, then you will have the opportunity to check out some of the Memorial Day sales. These deals traditionally continue through the entire three day Memorial Day weekend. This means you can still find some great sales on Monday, May 30, 2011. Your children will have the day off of school on Memorial Day. Hopefully, you work for a company that also gave you the day off, so you can spend some time together. If you are not planning on heading out to a BBQ or a party on … Continue reading

What You Need to Know About the New Homeland Security-Approved Drivers Licenses

For starters the only people who will need to have new Homeland Security-approved drivers licenses are those U.S. residents who wish to use their ID to board an airplane or enter a federal building. If you were born after December 1, 1964 you have until December 1, 2014 to make the switch. Old drivers have until 2017 to get a new ID. You are not being forced to get one. They are no rules that require states to issue the new identification cards to every resident, but if you don’t get one you will not be able to use your … Continue reading

“Mom, I need the car keys.” The ADHD Teenager & Driving

As a mom of teenagers, I soon face the dilemma of sharing the car keys. It’s a scary thing to think about. In just a few months, I’ll be able to watch my oldest child get into a vehicle and drive down the street. Yikes! I can already imagine the thoughts I’ll be grappling with… ”Will he remember to drive responsibly? Is he going to be distracted? Will he come back home, safe and sound?” As parents, we have very good reason to be concerned. The scary reality is that vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among youth … Continue reading

The Sense of Taste

As we discussed earlier in Your Toddler’s Sense of Smell, taste is somewhat less than refined when your baby is born. Their taste buds are still developing and they are resistant to changes – even those of the sweet kind until they are ready. You’ll notice a reticence in tasting some foods when their sense of smell begins expanding and the same can be said for their sense of taste. Toddlers are, by their very nature, finicky. One good rule of thumb to get into where eating and new tastes are concerned is to let them sample flavors. Never fix … Continue reading

Your Toddler’s Sense of Smell

Your toddler’s nose is nowhere near as discerning as yours is. It’s important to remember that our senses are heightened after pregnancy. The scent of a dirty diaper is pretty powerful to us, but not so much to our kids. Our body odor doesn’t offend them either – that’s why they’ll snuggle up to you even when you haven’t had a chance to shower all day and you may think you stink, but your child doesn’t notice. This lack of acuity and sensitivity in their sense of smell is part of the reason why your toddler cannot distinguish between safe … Continue reading