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Previously, I described my excitement by finding the site Because it is so hard for teachers to find extra money for special classroom projects, this site was a really good find! Presently, I do not have a project that needs to be entered on the site for funding. However, when one arises I will certainly consider the site if money is needed. Of course, the site was founded by teachers. It began in 2000. A group of Bronx public school teachers had a great need for extra funding. The site helped create a connection between the teachers with need … Continue reading

Funding Site I Discovered:

If you are a teacher or if you have ever spent much time in a school, you know that schools, and especially teachers, are always looking for a way to gain supplies or money for their classroom. Teachers likely spend more out of pocket money on their job than any other professionals out there. Most states give teachers an allotted amount of money to spend on their classroom. Many parents also send in money or supplies for their children. However, considering the vase amount and variety of items needed for a classroom, these funds just do not last all year. … Continue reading