Tips for Teachers: Lunch Choices

Earlier I began a new section in education at This section is titled Tips for Teachers. In this section I have been offering advice for teachers based on my own experience and the experience of others. I have found throughout the years that the more responsibility the teacher can place on the students the faster and easier tasks can be accomplished. Such tasks that come to mind when I think of handing over some duties to the students include morning routines. Most schools require teachers to collect money, take attendance, and record a lunch count for the day. These … Continue reading

Returning to Class after Christmas Vacation

The day returning to school from Christmas vacation or any vacation from school can be wild. The children, the young ones anyway, are so full of stories and details of the break. Some cannot wait to share about Christmas presents while others cannot wait to share a special outing or event that they attended. The older students are also excited. However, they look more forward to talking to each other rather than to the teacher. The first hour that the children are together can be very loud and talkative. They are overwhelmed to see one another and to compare stories. … Continue reading

Introducing Tips for Teachers

Experience is very valuable when you are a teacher. The college experience can never prepare you for the real classroom setting. No matter how much you have read or researched, there is nothing like trail and error to see which methods and techniques are best for you. During your first year of teaching you will find out that some things work and some do not. You will revisit and revise ideas. Some you will throw out completely and vow never to repeat. Others you will write down and carry out for years to come. Each year of teaching, you will … Continue reading