Teacher Preparation

One would think that in the selection process for teachers, ability to breathe should not be the most difficult criteria on the list. Please do not go berserk and think that I am beginning to bash teachers, because I am not. I am however curious as to why there are not more stringent requirements and testing, such as with doctors and lawyers for teachers? Yes there is the certification process that thanks to the NCLB law is now required for all public school teachers-but still not all teachers. I propose that there should be more required of a person, than … Continue reading

Teacher + Desire for Free Airline Ticket=Suspension

Did you hear about the Florida teacher who was recently suspended because he asked students to help him earn frequent-flier miles? The teacher allegedly gave extra credit to students who brought in specially marked Wendy’s beverage cups that were part of a frequent-flier promotion with AirTran (32 cups could be redeemed for AirTran flight credits, basically, enough for a free one-way ticket). The teacher claimed that he didn’t realize that asking the students to bring in cups was wrong. I remember seeing a television news report that revealed how the promotion was encouraging dumpster diving, but now, hearing about this … Continue reading

Say Thank You During Teacher Appreciation Week

The first full week in May, this week, has been set aside by the National PTA as teacher appreciation week. It’s a great time to evaluate how much you know about your child’s school. See how well you answer the following questions: When was the last time you walked inside your child’s school? Have you spoken to your child’s teacher lately? Do you know the principal’s name? Do you know your child’s school schedule? Have you said thank you to your child’s teacher? If you were unsure about any of the above then now’s a great time to get involved. … Continue reading

Am I Qualified For This? Homeschooling Your Children.

Am I Qualified For This? I am always amused when I hear parents say “I wish that I could homeschool my children, but I don’t know how to teach.” Whether parents realize it or not they are their child’s first teacher. Your child’s first learning experience happened in the home. They learned to walk, talk, dress themselves, rode their bicycles under your supervision. Chances are when your children were very young you playfully taught them their alphabet through songs and learned shapes and numbers through games. You taught your children morals, manners, and arranged play dates for social interactions. Your … Continue reading

Keeping in touch with Teachers

We send our children off in the morning, somewhere around 8am, not to hear from them again until around 3pm. That’s at least six hours of no communication with your children, we don’t know what they’re doing, who they’re hanging out with, or even if they’ve eaten all their lunch. Sending your child off to school can actually be a little nerve racking sometimes. How many of you have had a child come home and say that it was a bad day because so and so was picking on them, or they had a fight with their friend? How do … Continue reading