Frugal Gift Ideas For Teachers

Teachers are special people in our lives. Often they are almost like another parent to our child, striving to make a difference in the lives of the children they teach. At Christmas or even end of the school year, gift giving is a small gesture to let the teacher know how much you appreciate all that they have done for your child. Finding the perfect gift for a teacher can be difficult. As a former teacher myself, I, like many of my co-workers, appreciated anything I received and even still use many of the items today. However, an often found … Continue reading

Experience Makes a Difference

Research studies are constantly being carried out in almost every subject area that there is in the world. In some cases, I am surprised that a study is even needed to tell researchers what common sense should be telling them. Education is far from being exempt from the studies. One recent study finding that I read dealt with teacher experience and student achievement. The study found that students with experienced teachers did better than students with inexperienced teachers. When comparing the teachers’ degrees and the teachers’ experience, the study found that the teacher’s experience has more of an impact on … Continue reading

Stephen Colbert–Public School Teachers’ Hero

Don’t underestimate the power of Stephen Colbert. The Comedy Central star may have lost out on his chance to run for the president of the United States, but his words are still powerful enough to rally the troops. During the hoopla surrounding Colbert’s mock presidential bid the host of Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report” also asked viewers to give to, which helps fulfill teacher wish lists for books, globes and other classroom materials in schools throughout the country. A South Carolina native, Colbert took time to promote the organization in an effort to help public school teachers and students … Continue reading

Introducing Tips for Teachers

Experience is very valuable when you are a teacher. The college experience can never prepare you for the real classroom setting. No matter how much you have read or researched, there is nothing like trail and error to see which methods and techniques are best for you. During your first year of teaching you will find out that some things work and some do not. You will revisit and revise ideas. Some you will throw out completely and vow never to repeat. Others you will write down and carry out for years to come. Each year of teaching, you will … Continue reading

Teaching the Children of Close Friends or Family Members

Many parents believe that having their child in a teacher’s classroom that they know personally is a great idea. While it may ease the parents’ minds to leave their child at school with a close acquaintance such as a family member, it may not always be the best option. Teaching a close friend or family member’s child can be difficult for the teacher, the child, and the parents. All may run smoothly if the child has no academic or behavior struggles. However, it can be very hard for a teacher to tell parents that their child is below average in … Continue reading

We are Both Teachers and Learners

I have mentioned before that I have no idea what I would be like as a person if I hadn’t become a parent, and, especially, spent so many years as a single parent. I think my experiences are integral to the person I have become. Single parenthood has been an amazing gift and one of the lessons I’ve learned is that while I have been called to take on the responsibility of being my children’s parent, and I am in the role of guide or teacher, I am as much a student of this “family life” process as they are! … Continue reading

Substitute Teacher’s Corner: Medical Intervention

You know, one thing that teachers struggle with on a day to day basis are the individual needs of their students – as a sub, when you walk into a classroom where a student has specialized needs, it can really ramp up the pressure you feel. Recently, I was called in as a floater. In other words, I’d go where they needed me throughout the day. Sometimes, you get a class where you teach all day and sometimes you don’t. That day, I was assigned to a kinder class and that was fine. I like kindergarten, they’re young, they’re fresh … Continue reading

Teachers and Maternity Leaves

Believe it or not, teachers are people. We go to the store and shop at Wal-Mart. Most of us actually have a life outside of school. So yes teachers do have the right to get pregnant and take maternity leaves. However, for teachers, the situation is a little different than from other professions and jobs. A teacher’s maternity leave affects more than just the teacher herself. Each and every family and child that is in the class is affected. The affect is much greater in primary grade children. Some children have a very hard time adjusting to a new person. … Continue reading

Types of Teacher’s Albums

Teacher albums are the perfect gift, whether it is for Christmas, her birthday or the end of the year. Now is a great time to get started no matter when it is for. Teacher’s have busy schedules, and although you want it to be a surprise, you are going to have to encourage the teacher to participate somewhat, by sharing what she has with you. When you are putting together a teacher album, there are so many ways you can go about doing it. However, there are two very common ways I’ve seen it done. Class Album An album is … Continue reading

Scrapbooking in the Preschool Classroom: A Few Tips to Get You Started

Teaching scrapbooking in the classroom is loads of fun. Depending on the age group, it can even tie into the curriculum. With a preschool classroom, it is mainly just a fun way to incorporate a new form or art, and keep it ongoing. There are a few things you should remember before putting it all out in front of them and having them go to town. Children that are preschool age should be allowed total freedom to create. If they glue a punchie on an upside down photograph, that’s okay. At this age, they are learning dexterity skills, and their … Continue reading