Teaching Teens to Balance a Checkbook

One of the most important things you can teach your children about managing money is to balance their checkbook. It is a common misconception that you can simply find out your balance by calling the bank and finding out how much is in your account. They can tell you that, but items may not have cleared, and so you do not have a clear picture of what money you actually have available to you. You can teach your children to balance their account in five easy steps. 1) First you need to teach them to write don or track all … Continue reading

Teaching Our Children Self-Respect

This is a continuation of Teaching Our Children Modesty. In addition to modesty, it’s important for our children to understand self-respect. In the same way we’ve shared modesty with our older son (our younger son is still very young), we plan to further elaborate on self-respect and respect for others. My hope is that we will be able to teach our boys how to be respectful toward their young lady peers so they are less likely to find a girlfriend who will be of too much temptation to sin by her influence of provocative actions and appearance. One way to … Continue reading

Teaching Our Children Modesty

Think your children are too young to learn modesty and respect? You might think again. Most parents work with their children at a young age teaching them to respect others. Teaching modesty and self-respect should happen at a young age. Let me clarify a bit on the modesty issue with babies and toddlers. I don’t believe modesty is as applicable to younger toddlers. Babies and toddlers are very into their own world anyway so teaching them self respect in the way I’ll be discussing may not be beneficial until closer to age 3. When our older son was about three, … Continue reading

Preventing Social Decay

Have you noticed the social decay that is happening as families are torn apart and moral values disintegrate? I have definitely noticed that as families have lost their moral identity and homes have been broken that children are the ones that suffer. It is obvious as you look at the character of many of today’s children and teenagers that the values that our nation once cherished are disappearing from the rising generation. The downfall of the mighty empire Rome was the social decay of its people, which started in the home, as parents no longer taught their children moral values. … Continue reading

Teach Your Children To Be Frugal

“Children learn by example” It’s one of my favorite quotes, and one that I have to remember to tell myself everyday. If it is not I, who shows them right from wrong, and what is positive and negative to do in their world, who will? The same goes for teaching them about money management and the frugal way of living. If you aren’t showing them everyday by your own example, how can we expect them to do it themselves? How can we get angry at the child in the grocery store asking for a box of Twinkies, when we ourselves … Continue reading