Happy New Year! Time to create habits!

OK, how many happy new year blogs are you going to read? Maybe a ton. Maybe just one. But I hope you read this one! Why? Because, this week can be so important in your business! My goal this week is to make a ton of calls. Normally I aim for just 2 – 5 a day, but I have so much information to get out! Right now, being January, is just a good excuse to call. I addressed this in my last blog. So besides make a ton of calls, what else do I plan to do? Create good … Continue reading

Your Family’s Fire Escape Plan

As I stated in my previous blog, a fire plan for your family is important. It is imperative. This blog will outline a way for you to create and maintain a fire escape plan that everyone will understand. I am writing this assuming that you don’t already have one. Even if you do, this information can help give you some great tips to add to yours. A great place to begin is by asking your children what they would do if there was a fire in the house. Let them show and tell you without interrupting them. After that, you … Continue reading