What is it about Sports that Brings Out the Worst in Parents?

Did you see the footage of the Ukrainian father and coach who started beating his daughter when she didn’t make it in a qualifying swim meet in Australia? Those of us who did see the actions were appalled and it’s very likely that the father didn’t realize that the camera was indeed focused on him as he started slapping and hitting his daughter. According to some viewers, he might have even realized that he went too far as he tried to hug her and she pushed him away. In one small glimmer of good fortune, the father has now been … Continue reading

Don’t Compete With Your Spouse

My husband and I are both very competitive people. Okay, well, he’s not as competitive as I am. I love a challenge. In fact, the best way to get me involved in something is to make it a contest. Who can do it better? Who can do the most? Who can deliver quality and quantity? Yeah, you get the picture. Well knowing this and understanding this – it’s important to recognize from the get go that while competition can be healthy – it takes work to keep it healthy. Competing with your spouse invites a lot of problems unless the … Continue reading