Celebrity Weekend Wrap Up

You may not have their fat checkbooks, but I bet you still had a better weekend than the following celebrities. OWEN WILSON Rumors are flying regarding why actor Owen Wilson is still in the hospital today. According to news reports, the 38-year-old “Wedding Crashers” star was taken from his L.A. home by ambulance yesterday morning. Less than 24 hours later a hospital spokesperson announced the actor was in good condition, but refused to release details on why Wilson had to be admitted in the first place. Adding fuel to the media fire was this statement Wilson issued earlier today: “I … Continue reading

Back-to-School Driving Tips For Teens

Did you know that vehicle crashes are the No.1 killer of U.S. teens? Studies show many of these deaths are the result of driver error to due to inexperience behind the wheel… AND they are preventable. It’s a fact that many parents of teen drivers need to be aware of especially with fall just around the corner. In less than 10 days millions of teens will be back on the roads heading to and from class and after-school activities. Experts say this last week in August is an ideal time to speak with your student driver about the rules of … Continue reading

Safeco Launches Teensurance™

In an announcement released June 5th 2007 Safeco (NYSE: SAF) reported some details of a completely new product launch with Teensurance™ powered by Safeco®. Teensurance is a technology based product designed to offer parents a method of having a different kind of conversation with teen drivers. The new will be available to customers across the nation starting June 27, 2007. Teensurance uses a Global Positioning Sattilite (GPS) device The Safeco Safety Beacon™ integrated with online tools to help reinforce good driving habits. Teensurance offers parents tangible assurance regarding their young drivers behavior by offering parents real-time information and notifications. Safeco … Continue reading

Keeping Track Of Your Teen Drivers

What is it about teens obtaining their driver’s licenses that make parents’ stomachs churn? My daughter has a few years before she gets behind the wheel, but she’s already getting a taste of what it’s like to be on the receiving end of parents’ concern about their children hitting the highways. We recently visited my parents in Hawaii and every time (I am not exaggerating—every single time) we left their home my dad would follow us out to the garage, give my daughter a hug good-bye and “whisper” (loud enough for me to hear): “Make sure your mommy drives carefully.” … Continue reading

The Dangers of “Trunking”

As if parents of teen drivers don’t have enough to worry about, a startling new trend has emerged that is causing an uproar in many families. It’s called “trunking.” Police say the practice was created by teenage drivers as a way to get around the new graduated license laws that ban new drivers from having other minors in the car. Rather than having their peers ride in the backseat, teen drivers are having their friends ride in the trunk. According to the National Transportation Council, the graduated license laws work in conjunction with the idea that restricting teenage passengers reduces … Continue reading